A childhood you don't want to remember

A childhood you don't want to remember
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t want to complain, because I consider myself a happy woman who has a wonderfulhusband and four children I love dearly. But I simply have to share my secrets with you.

My mom came outShe got married at 19 and gave birth to me at 20. First timemother and father lived in perfect harmony, but over timemy father started drinking and began to raise his hand against my mother, and subsequently began to cheat on her. My mother left my father when I was 5 years old and almost immediately married another man.

I was a driven lamb at that moment, and after a short time I called him dad. My new dad seemed like a very kind and cheerful uncle to me. My happiness knew no bounds; finally we will live no worse than others. But minehappiness did not last long.

2 years later, when I entered first grade, violent changes took place in my life and absolute hell began for me. My carefree childhood ended from the moment I took up the position of a maid and was obligedwash the dishes every day and test-antibiotic.com wash the floors once a week.

Naturally, due to my age, the quality of my work left much to be desired, and my stepfather tried to force me to redo all the work. And if I refused, he took off the belt from his trousers, threw me on the bed and, pulling off my tights, dealt furiously brutal blows to my small butt.

Of course, he did this when my mother was not at home, and strictly forbade me to tell her about it. And if I tell you, it will be much worse and more painful.

One fine day, when we were sitting at a common table and having lunch,Mom noticed that something was wrong with me. My fidgeting in the chair and the tears in my eyes that were about to pour out of my eyes were very suspicious. She came up to me with an anxious look and asked me to take off my tights.

You should have seen her eyes when she saw the terrible dents from the belt on my hips and butt. Only God knows how much I wanted, how I dreamed, for my mother to finally leave the man who was so mocking her test-antibiotic.com little blood. I was sure that this moment had come, and my mother probably wouldn’t be able toforgive him for this, but alas, I was wrong.

After screaming a little and crying, my mother came into my room, hugged me and asked me for forgiveness. She said that she couldn’t divorce her stepfather, because with the child no one would need her, and without him we would be completely lost. My stepfather continued to beat me for many years, I was a withdrawn child, I didn’t communicate with anyone, and I hated everyone. I couldn't see their happy faces.

Many years later. Now I am a grown woman myself, and my mother has been gone for 2 years. But a bitter aftertaste remained in my soul. Nothing can get him out of there! I try not to punish my children. Too bitterI learned this experience from my childhood.

I wish you all a happy life and may you and your children never be affected bypain , humiliation anddisappointment .

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