The girl wants to get married, but I can't rush

The girl wants to get married, but I can't rush
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’m 22 years old, the girl is 24. We’ve been dating for a little over two years. I consider our relationship to be good. We are each other's first (I used to go out with the girls, but there were only 2-3 of them, and then there was nothing more than a couple of walks or a trip to a cafe). And she only had a couple of kisses with one guy, and even then it was stupidity and she regrets it.

We're homebodies. We spend almost all our free time together, we live at our parents’ houses, but very close - we wanted to meet and five minutes later we were walking down the street together. It’s always interesting to me with her, we don’t really have friends or girlfriends, because we’re both home, we don’t go to parties, we don’t drink or smoke, in a word - a happy couple.

Everything is fine with intimacy too. However, in all our idyll there is one unpleasant roughness. She wantmarried , because she believes that the years are running out, she is already (oh, horror) 24. Her older sisters are alreadymarried (both got married at 18-19, only one is divorced, and the other is already in second marriage, in addition with a child from the first) and everything else. I’m in no hurry to get married, since I still don’t have a separate home, a good salary, or even a higher education.

Now things are going well for me, I got a promising job, this year I’m going to enter a university (the organization pays for my studies at a prestigious specialized university). In my 2nd or 3rd year I can already transfer to a position with a salary of not 30,000, but already 50,000, and after graduation and with work experience, the roads are open for further growth. After studying, there is an opportunity to change an apartment and decide specifically and factuallythe issue with separate housing, besides, she is only in her first year of extramural studies, the salary is also about 30,000, that is, living in a rented apartment with our income onlyspend money . One salary for rent, another for living expenses, in the end we will work for nothing, and she also has to pay for her studies.

I once had a serious conversation with her about our future, and then we disagreed so much about the topic “when will we get married” that we almost broke up because of this, because everyone stood firmly on their own. She said that the years are running out, thata wife is good in any case, because she will take care of me, that she also works and will bring income to the family, that we can also study and work. But being married. And I, in turn, said that I want to be sure that I can provide for my family, and for this I need a decent salary and a good education, and she also needs to graduate from college.

I think that we need separate housing if we are going to become a family, but for a decent wedding, not forcredit , we need to earn money, that we have nowhere to rush, and no one forbids us to love each other, meet, spend time together, get to know each other better and build the foundation for a happy future. I openly told her about my intentions and plans to start a family with her in the future (and this is true, these are my sincere plans). He said that if she is confident in me, then needs to wait another 5 years until I am ready for a family, and if she is not confident in me, then why is she even supporting me?relationship _

A few days later we cooled down and talked calmly, she gave in and said that she loved me very much and would wait, even though it would be difficult for her. Despite the fact that she agreed with my arguments, I realized that she was clearly worried and worried because she wanted to get married, and I couldn’t give it to her. I don’t want it anyhow, as quickly as possible, but for it to be normal, so that I can provide us and our future children with a decentlife , so that everything is thought out and prepared in advance.

So, in fact, we came to the problem. I see her sadness, sometimes it fades away, sometimes it is more noticeable, but it is there. When I ask what worries her, the essence comes down to the fact that this very topic worries her. I cannot reach her and explain to her that I am trying for our own happiness, and that patience is required from her, and together we will come to happiness and family. I'm afraid that she will break down and simply break off this relationship, jump out to marry some older guy, thinking that an engagement ring will make her happy and solve everything for her.problems . But in this fit of despair, she may fall into the clutches of some man who is not even worth her fingernail, in whom she will trust, and he will use her and simply trample her soul and heart. Maybe he will be a good person, but rather the first option, because her haste and despair will cloud her mind.

I'm very worried about our relationship. I love her very much and therefore I don’t want to make hasty and short-sighted decisions, but I want everything to be gradual, reasonable and thorough. And my worries that I might lose minelove , losing all that time, all those moments that I spent with her, are already beginning to affect our relationship now. I am constantly on edge, waiting for this “blow” when she can say that she is tired of this and wants to get married stronger than waiting for me with my plans.

I’m writing here because I want to get an outsider’s point of view, maybe I’m doing something wrong, or, on the contrary, I’m worrying in vain.

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