For daughters, only money matters

For daughters, only money matters
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I recently read a story aboutdaughter is against her parents’ divorce and decided to write her own.

I have been married to my husband for 23 years and have two children. The eldest daughter is 22 years old; she went to study on the other side of the country with a young man. The youngest daughter is 19 years old, she also lives in a neighboring city, studies at a technical school and rents an apartment.

Alllife enduredhusband only for the sake of the children. He is very selfish, jealous and constantly cheated on me. During the first years, I barely lived with his obnoxious mother, who mocked me, screamed, humiliated me, and took away my daughter. Finally, when the eldest was 2 years old, we moved into a rented apartment and lived there. Here he showed himself in all his glory.

Perhaps he was not such a bad father and husband, but for me it was enough to have mistresses and the fact that he forced me to sacrifice my comfort for his sake. I had to do and dress only the way he liked. He would not tolerate refusals, so I spun like a squirrel in a wheel. Small and always sick children, the dissatisfied face of my husband because he can’t get enough sleep on his only day off, nervous work and all the housework is on me. I asked him to at least hang out the laundry, but that’s a woman’s job. He was tired and working, but the fact that I was working didn’t count. All my work was devalued, they say, why are you tired, you just cleaned, washed, cooked and looked after the children.

The last straw was that he brought his mistress to our home and didn’t even make excuses when I came. After that, I went with the children to my parents, but then I returned and promised to live with him until my youngest came of age. In those days, it was difficult to raise children alone, and I endured it for many years. Six months ago, I gathered my daughters and told them that I wanted to divorce their father. But Alisya and Katya (daughters) categorically declared that I should not even think about it. They need to pay for their studies (payshusband ), for his ownmoney they rent an apartment and live for their own pleasure, plus the elderdaughter wants wedding in a couple of years and will sponsor herfather of the bride.

Probably the only merits of my husband are that he earns good money and loves children. I tried to explain to them that even after the divorce he will remain their father and will provide for them, but they are not in any way. They say that if I get divorced, I will lose them, and they will not communicate with me. And why should I, I’m no longer at that age to leave my husband (53 years old).

I love children very much, they are my meaning in life and I don’t want to break the connection with them. But it’s also a shame, because they know how much I had to go through and don’t point blank admit it.

What should I do? Should I continue to live with my unloved one or leave?

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