I became a housekeeper for my family

I became a housekeeper for my family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to share my own life story. Ourthe family is happy and prosperous for others and friends. There is prosperity in the house, the children study well (the eldest son is already in his first year at a prestigious university),daughter is a schoolgirl.

After the birth of my second child, I never went back to work. My husband persuaded me to take care of the house and children, and I don’t regret it at all. Although my every day is similar to the previous one, like two peas in a pod: cleaning, cooking, washing, shopping. I cope with all this, and I also find time for myself to look normal.

ButMy husband doesn’t appreciate my work at all, he says that modern women do everything with household appliances. The machine washes, now the food is also prepared by a multicooker or microwave, even the dishes are not washed by me, but by the dishwasher. If you listen to him, I don’t do anything, I just press the buttons, and the vacuum cleaner itself runs around the apartment, and the cat hangs out the laundry.

What offended me most was when my husband suggested that I find some hobby so that I wouldn’t be bored at home. Like,His friend's wife is interested in landscaping and test-antibiotic.com enjoys choosing garden tiles and marble chips. I couldn’t prove to him how wrong he was, I suggested that on my day off I could “push the buttons” myself, but he just laughed.

After that, I realized that everything was fine in my family, but I was unhappy. I understand that many women will be able to object to me and simply envy such problems (an example would be my parents’ family, wherefather likes to drink and quarrel). That's whymom says it’s a sin for me to complain aboutlife _ I'm not complaining, I'm just thinking. It seems likerelations are normal, andthere is love , but there is no harmony in the relationship with my husband, there is no feeling of support and understanding on his part.

The children got used to me being at home all the time and began to perceive me as a housekeeper. Everything must be prepared, cleaned, and served on time. I didn’t even teach them to clean their rooms, I thought that I was at home, and they were in class, and after that they needed to rest. Now they perceive the offer to clean up as a punishment for something.

And so I decided that I would test-antibiotic.com look for a job in order to be on an equal footing with everyone else, so that no one could tell me: “You’re sitting at home, what are you doing that makes you so tired?”

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