My husband's daughter is not my family

My husband's daughter is not my family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I leftmarried to a man with a 12 year old daughter. She lives with us.

At first everything was fine, I tried to establish contact, but then I realized that I didn’t want everythinglife is trying to be a good aunt, I decided that it’s better to be indifferentattitude . But after a few months, I realized that I didn’t want to live like I was living in a dorm with a complete stranger to me, who also smelled bad, was sloppy and stupid, and whom Ihusband wastes resources and time.

I so want my family with my beloved husband, but why does my husband spend so much energy, time, money not on our new family, but on a person who is disrespectful to him, to others, who does not bring anything good.

I don’t know what to do and is the game worth the candle? I feel good with my husband, but I feel like I haven’t been living at home for who knows how many years. I'm forced to share minehusband and live with a neighbor who seems eternally unpleasant to me, I can’t relax because she’s everywhere (daughter husband). I can’t spend an evening alone with my husband, I can’t go on a romantic vacation, I can’t even leave my toiletries in the bathroom.

What do i do? Divorce? The solution is that I hand over my husband, because we love each other and it’s not his fault that my daughter lives with him, but I feel uncomfortable, as if I don’t have my own family and my own home, where everything is as I want, as for me beautiful and pleasant.

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