My daughter wasn't invited to the wedding

My daughter wasn't invited to the wedding
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I alllife tried to give their only daughter the best, but in return they received only her arrogance and discourteousattitude towards us.

Since childhood, she had a weakness for beautiful things. We were happy about this, we thought thatmy daughter will grow up and escape from this village. Whendaughter studied at school, took extra classes with teachers in order to enteruniversity _ She graduated from school with honors and entered the Moscow Institute. Studying was very easy for her. What can not be said about us. We had to save a lot of money in order to give more to our daughter, because she is young and wants a lot. It was always important for us that our girl did not need anything and did not feel deprived compared to her classmates. We succeeded as best we could.

While she was studying, she met a wealthy man. Was not married. Treated my daughter well. At first we were a little scared, but then we got used to it. Every time my daughter visited, she told us a lot about her man. So we fell in love with him in absentia. After graduating from university, our girl got a good job at The groom, of course, helped. But we didn’t expect anything else from him. After all, according to his daughter’s stories, he treated her very carefully. This only made us happy. We waited a long time for the engagement message. But, unfortunately, it never came. When we asked what was the matter, our girl simply refused and immediately turned the conversation in another direction. Later we began to ask her to introduce her lover to us. After all, it is very interesting to know the person whom the only one lovedchild . But these requests of ours remained unheeded.

My husband and I had already begun to suspect something was wrong. How can you date a girl for several years and not meet her parents! They wanted to go to Moscow themselves and see him with their own eyes. That’s what my husband and I decided to do. One fine day we went to visit, taking gifts with us. Upon arrival, the owner of the house opened the door for us. Turned out to be very handsomea man , a well-mannered and courteous person. He immediately understood who we were. He invited me into the house. Having undressed, we went into a large room. She was very beautiful. And suddenly we both froze in place. Our gaze fell on the wedding photo. Photo of our daughter and this young man. We were doused with ice water. We couldn't say a word for several minutes. So, does that mean the wedding has already taken place? To our dumbquestion , the son-in-law also said in surprise: “So you yourself refused to come to the wedding!” This is what it's all about! We made it. My own daughter hid her own wedding from us! When our girl returned, her surprise knew no bounds. She immediately realized that we had already seen the photo and knew everything. She didn’t deny it. She immediately admitted that she was simply ashamed to invite us to thisholiday because we are villagers!

And how can we continue to live after this? All our lives we tried and raised her, the last of our strength andthey gave money so that she could succeed. And when she succeeded, she became ashamed of her origins and her roots. She was ashamed of us. It turns out that even my son-in-law was not against our presence at the wedding, unlike his own daughter. We went home, without giving our daughter the opportunity to justify herself. What can I say? Everything is already very clear.

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