Daughter does not take care of her child

Daughter does not take care of her child
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met my husband at the age of 20. We dated for a year and then got married. They lived well, sometimes there were quarrels and scandals, but they always made peace. And then three years later I gave birth to my husbanddaughter _ I devoted almost all my time to the child. In six monthsMy husband left for another woman, justifying himself by saying that I was paying little attention to him.

A couple of months later they divorced, and I filed for alimony. My ex-husband didn’t come to see the child, and I had a hard time getting alimony. Since there was no one to leave the child with, I was forced to take work home to provide for our life. As soon as I enrolled my daughter in kindergarten, I got a job as a primary school teacher.

When my daughter turned 10 years old, I changed my job to a better paying one. But this required certain sacrifices. I came home late and could not always pay attention to my daughter. How else? You had to live on something, you had to work a lot. I returned home, of course, very tired, and I still had to cook dinner. And without even noticing it, test-antibiotic.com my daughter got out of hand, stopped listening to me, and stayed out until late. My comments and punishment only made things worserelationship _ I was always afraid that my daughter would fall into bad company or something would happen to her. And at the age of 17, my daughter says thatpregnant _ The hair on my head almost turned gray after hearing it. Having thought about what to do with this, we decided thatmy daughter will give birth, since this has happened. I admit honestly, I thought about abortion, but I could not offer this to my daughter. After all, it is unknown how this would affect her femininehealth in the future. I just couldn't do that.

I tried to find out from my daughter the name of the child’s father, but I never received an answer. Four months later, an ultrasound showed a boy. During the entire period while my daughter was pregnant, we became closer, began to understand each other, and stopped quarreling. And then the moment of childbirth came, my daughter was very afraid, but I supported her in every possible way, although I was worried myself. The birth went without complications and a wonderful baby was born. At work, I took a leave of absence at my own expense to teach my daughter how to care for her baby, showed her how to prepare formula, change diapers, swaddle and bathe the baby. She did a good job, but often I had to get up at night to the baby and rock him to sleep. Once a week I let my daughter go out with her friends, and I sat with my grandson. And it seems that this was my big mistake; my daughter went for walks more and more often. After the revelry, she slept like the dead and didn’t hear how her son cries at night. Then I had to get up to the child. In the morning I run to work without sleep, and when I come in the evening, I again sit with my grandson, since my daughter leaves without asking permission.

And now, after three months of living like this, I have lost 6 kg, I fall asleep on the go, I constantly feel tired and irritated. In response to the comments, the daughter says that she is still too young and wants to go for a walk, and not hang around the house within four walls with the baby. I feel sorry for my grandson who does not receive maternal warmth. But I'm terribly tired. Everything fell on me - home, work, cooking, washing, cleaning, and test-antibiotic.com caring for the baby was added to all this. I can't live like this anymore. Daughterconstantly walks, and I sit with my grandson. Why should I sacrifice myself for my grandson? How to reason with your daughter? I'm only 42 years old, but it seems like my life is over. I hoped that when my daughter reached adulthood, I would be able to pay more attention to my personal life. So what now? My daughter is 18, but there is a new child in my house. Do I really have to wait another 18 years to live my life?

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