Twin daughters become enemies

Twin daughters become enemies
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It pains me to see how my daughters don't get along. Maybe I made some mistakes in my upbringing?

I tried very hard to give everything to them, although it was not easy at times. Brought up with my husband, most of it was given to me. My husband worked, drank, he is a football coach. Children (still have an older daughter) paid little attention.

All the burden of home life was on me. Apparently, I did not have time to tell them everything, to explain. Well, it doesn’t hurt us, parents explained a lot. I was born in 1955, the time was hungry, my parents worked, tried to feed us.

They themselves have unfinished schools because of the war. What could they tell us? True, they gave us education. And we ourselves found the answers to all questions. And now I'm at a dead end. My children are enemies to each other. How to help them, explain that there are no people dearer than sisters? That we need to help each other. To love and respect each other, and not to avenge a misunderstanding. That's the kind of pain I have. Tell me how to proceed?


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