The daughter I lost

The daughter I lost
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Since childhood, my parents and theirlove for alllife , and based on the example of their relationship, I also wanted to build my family, so that with one for life, I never strived to have many girls. In my first year at the institute, I met Marina, a modest girl from a small village. It was with her that I decided to build a real family for many years, I loved her very much, we were each other’s first and I believed that we would be together forever. In my 4th year, I proposed to her, she agreed, and they decided to get married after the final exams. In the fall, I began to notice that something was happening to Marisha. She became somewhat nervous, her mood changed several times a day, and we often began to quarrel.

During one of these quarrels, I decided to get drunk in the company of fellow students living in the dorm. We were already pretty screwed when we started talking about Marinka and me. One of the guys started saying that she sleeps with almost everyone, and all sorts of nonsense. And I was a fool, I believed it, went to her house, told her everything I thought and left her right on the landing. She cried and said something, but I just sent her away and left, didn’t pay attention to her during lectures, and then she disappeared. They said that she was in the hospital, that she became ill right on the street.

Of course, I had thoughts of visiting her, but while I was getting ready, she left. Hera friend brought a letter, I put it in my jeans pocket and successfully forgot about it. I remembered when they were drying after washing that the writing was no longer legible, I crumpled the letter even more and threw it in the trash can. I started to force myselfforget Marina, didn’t even pay attention to the fact that she took academic leave for health reasons.

6 years have passed since then. After college, I got a job in a good company. Life flowed between work, friends, family. I didn’t immediately forget Marina.

Three years ago I met a girl, at first it was not seriousrelationship , but then it grew into a rather serious onea romance that ended in marriage. Natasha hadchild , 10 months olddaughter Sasha, whom I adopted after the wedding. Six months ago we bought an apartment in a good area, nearby there is a garden, a school, and a clinic. My wife decided to stay at home with her daughter, but when she became pregnant, she couldn’t sit with her for a long time, the first months were very difficult, so they decided to send Sashka to kindergarten. So that the child would not be too afraid, I decided to take a vacation and take him to kindergarten for a month.

One fine morning I saw Marina. She took her daughter to kindergarten, the girl is about 5 years old, she looks like her mother. He called out and started talking, his daughter’s name is Vasilisa. Marinka then quickly ran away, handing over the child. She couldn’t get out of my head for a long time, I began to think about how to meet her again. So we started seeing each otherevery day in the morning and evening, sometimes we walked together on the playground, this and that. After 2 weeks we found ourselves in bed. Only after it happened I realized what I had done, but it was too late to regret. But I was also more interested in test-antibiotic.comThe question is , is it true that she cheated on me? At the next meeting, I asked a question, she simply said: “You’re a fool, didn’t you think that Vasya is your daughter?” I was taken aback, but she just took a taxi and left. Stopped answering calls, started taking the girl to kindergartenhusband , then they stopped altogether.

I decided to ask the nurse, I said that my daughter took the doll from the girl, I wantreturn , but they told me that the girl was taken from kindergarten along with her documents. I still had the girl's gum and I decided to make DNA, so I tookloan and here is the result in front of me: I am 99.999 percentthe girl's father , I sit and cry. My God, I myself abandoned the child, fromthe girl I loved, from everything. It hurt me to such an extent that I told my wife everything, everything, including about the betrayal. She simply fainted, she was taken to intensive care due to stress, the child could not be saved, and she did not want to talk to me. I only now realized how many mistakes I made, what I did. Now I'm home with daughter,my wife is still in the hospital, I ask her for forgiveness every day!

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