The roads we choose

The roads we choose
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This story is not an invention of the author, but real, although it is difficult to believe in it. It happened to a relative of my wife. For poetic reasons, I changed the names.

Nikolai worked as a truck driver. This work profile included long business trips, sometimes up to two weeks. He lived with his family in the regional center of Tatarstan. Nicholas had a bigfamily . His wife Alfiya (Kazan Tatar) gave him three sons - six, four and two years old. Alfiya did not work, she was engaged in housekeeping and raising children. When Nikolai was on a flight, at night, after putting the children to bed, she sat down at the computer. She was interested in religious Islamic sites.

Nikolai knew nothing about these fanatical hobbies of his wife. Once returning from a business trip, he saw a scarf on his wife's head. When asked by Nikolai why she wears a headscarf in the house, Alfiya replied: “I am a Muslim, and women of our faith should walk with their heads covered.” Soon the eldest son said thatmother took them to the mosque. Nicholas reacted negatively to this case. He himself was Orthodox and was calm about faith, but demanded from his wife not to force children to faith. This demarche had no effect on Alfie.

Soon she prepared a stunning surprise for Nikolai, declaring that she had to fly with her youngest son to Egypt for a week. She said she wants to pray there with fellow believers. She has already bought tickets and opened a visa. Looking at his wife, Nikolai realized that it was impossible to convince her. A few days later they flew away. And something happened that radically changed the life of a seemingly happy family - Alfiya wrote a letter to her husband on his email and said that she would not return back, that she was leavingmarry an Egyptian and remain in that country. Apparently she had long had a connection with this peasant, who already had two wives and many children. Alfiya will be the third wife. It remains a mystery how they communicated? Although I heard that there are such functions-translators on the Internet.

A week later, a second letter arrives from Alfiya, in which she asks Nikolai to sendmoney for such and such details to send the child back to Russia and threatened that if Nikolai did not send money, she would hand over the child to a shelter in Egypt. And this is written by the mother! Can you call her mother? By the way, after Alfiya's departure, Nikolai discovered that the cash in the house and the savings in the account had been withdrawn. It is clear what Alfie did. Nicholas found funds and sent them to Egypt. And when a notification came that my son would arrive on such and such a flight, I went to meet him.

Nikolai brought the child home and began to improve his life. Something had to be changed with the betrayal of his wife. But the story doesn't end there. Alfiya returned a year later pregnant. All relatives refused her, and she had to come to her husband's house. Kolya wanted to kick her out right away, but Alfiya began to cry and scream, an angry, hysterically looking woman looked at Nikolai. Completely alien. But the children clung to her. For them, she was still a mother. Nikolai has not yet officially divorced her. This of course was a big mistake. Soon Alfiya gave birth to a swarthy child and, secretly from Nikolai, was able to receive children's capital. How could she pull this off? Where the bank and guardianship authorities were looking is a big mystery. Soon Alfiya with money and with a newborn safely departed back to Egypt. Time passed and rumors reached Nikolai, apparently someone talked to her that Alfiya had given birth to another child. But she didn't come for child support. Apparently afraid. They were already divorced from Nikolai.

Here is a real life story. How is Alfie's life going? She is the third, youngestthe wife of an Arab peasant. On her shoulders, cleaning for livestock, cleaning the house, cooking for a huge family, because older wives probably have children. But that doesn't bother her. Now Alfiya can pray and pray. After all, for the sake of this, she abandoned her children, her husband, her parents.

But what about Kolya? He met a woman who became a mother to his children.

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