Is someone worthy of forgiveness who could not forgive himself?

Is someone worthy of forgiveness who could not forgive himself?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to share my sadness. I have a second grandmother. Just like that, simply and concisely, I learned about its existence from the guardianship authorities. There they told me that a certain Valentina Petrovna, who is my grandmother, needs the guardianship of relatives and financial care due to the loss of her breadwinner, that is, my uncle. On myquestion , they say, what do I have to do with it, they assured me that legally there are no grounds to impose compulsory guardianship on me, but since I am the only living relative, perhaps I will consider it necessary, in a purely human way, to help the old lady.

I had never seen my maternal grandmother in my life, I knew that she existed because children are born and not found in cabbage, but I had never seen her. The thing is, I grew up without a mother. No, she didn’t leave us, she didn’t leave, she died of cancer when I was a little over ten years old. My dad and I lived with my grandmother, becausethe father never brought anyone into the house. Although the grandmother muttered at dad that the child needed a woman’s hand, especially for the girl, she did not drive him down the aisle. And dad did everything for me and grandma, and also talked a lot about mom, he loved her very much, he couldn’t stop loving her, butI didn’t want to get married without love .

As a child, I thought that my dad didn’t want to get married because of me, but I grew up, and my dad’s attitude did not change. For him there was onlymom . I haven't for a long timechild , I'm 28 years old, my own head on my shoulders,married _ I am grateful to God that I managed to introduce my dad to my husband and go outmarried before his death. My father died in a stupid accident, he was hit by a drunk driver. My grandmother and I almost lost our minds out of grief, but Maxim (mymy husband supported us and helped my grandmother get out.

Why am I telling this? To make it clear that no matter what happened in my life, my maternal grandmother had nothing to do with us. After the guardianship authorities arrived, I began to ask who this woman was? Grandma resisted for a long time, but then she told me. Mom's mother was in the USSR from party circles, not so much under the government, but in their city she was a fairly wealthy lady. She immediately disliked dad, because in her opinion it was a misalliance, since dad was from a family of ordinary workers. It was after this that he was able to put together a small but strong business, which he taught me to do from adolescence, believing that I would then run it, and to know how to run it, you need to know everything from the inside, from bottom to top.

But then dad was a nobody, and this did not suit my mother’s mother, and she set a condition - either she or my dad. Mom chose dad and hermy mother kept her word, she cut my mother out of her life, she didn’t even come to her daughter’s funeral. Yes, I know, this is a story told from the paternal grandmother’s side, we can say that we need to listen to the other side, but my mother kept a diary, which my grandmother gave to me with the words: “here is your mother’s truth, read, think, and then decide as your heart tells you.”

For me, this situation was still strange, I did not understand how you could abandon your child and decided to meet with the maternal grandmother. On the threshold of a large and strong house I was met by a rather cheerful old woman, who from the threshold began to give commands, like a dog, by God, but she did not ask for a paw. Seeing that I froze in bewilderment, she began to scold me that they actually recruited from an advertisement, and why am I worth it, and not grab a job!

I said that this was apparently a misunderstanding, and I was looking for Valentina Petrovna on a personal matter. Having received a condescending nod and an affirmative that it was she, she asked in a rather rude manner what I wanted. Having realized who I was, the old woman quickly took her bearings and began to lament about her difficult life and abandoned old age. She tried to drag me into the house, but I preferred to talk on the street, and I kept trying to understand why she was looking for me. From her words, it turned out that in her old age, she realized a lot, and that she really wanted to get things right with the bloodrelationship _ I didn’t forget to mention the will in which she promised me mountains of gold, otherwise my dad still works at the factory for three kopecks, what can he give me? I was already gritting my teeth, but I was silent and listened, and the more I listened, the more I wanted to leave. Citing that I was busy and promising to come on the weekend when I had more time, I retreated further away. But I wanted to know the truth.

And everything turned out to be very simple. After the death of my uncle (my mother’s older brother), all his property went to his passion and her children (for some reason my uncle didn’t have his own). And Valentina Petrovna was left without anything, since the cunning aunt received little by inheritance, mostly the property was written to her and her children, legally, she and her children Valentina Petrovna no one wants to know her, which is what they told her. The same cunning aunt, as it turned out, was our client, so she put two and two together and gave the grandmother directions on where to go to get the money. Then there was a story with the guardianship authorities, as she tried to sue her daughter-in-law for her maintenance, but it didn’t work out.

Kind and competent people have already found out this and much more at my request. I refused to support Valentina Petrovna. But I went to her, didn’t voice a refusal from the door, brought tea for tea and asked the dear old lady to show me photographs of my mother in childhood and adolescence (well, she wants to improve the relationship). The old lady started fussing and trying to jump off the topic, but I stuck to my guns, I want to look at photos, nostalgia and all that. But she doesn’t have them, her mother betrayed her, so everything that related to her mother was destroyed. Anything that could somehow remind her of her.

Well, it’s destroyed, it’s destroyed, it’s her cross and she has to bear it. I thanked her for her hospitality and, saying that I had no opportunity to help her, left. I'm not a cruel person, but it's stupid to ask for what you couldn't give - neither love nor forgiveness.

I don’t hold a grudge against her, she already got hers without my help. I even forgave and let her go, it became easier and now I don’t feel resentment for my mother. But I won’t help, he’s eating quite a bit of bread, since managed to confuse a stranger with a hired worker, it means that he has something to live on, but the fact that the level is not the same as what he’s used to is no longer a question for me .

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