I trust my wife, but I’m jealous

I trust my wife, but I’m jealous
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been married to my beloved wife for a little over 20 years. I, one might say, stole her from someone else. But there were circumstances that alleviated my guilt.

The wife was a downtrodden gray mouse, and her civilianthe husband was a tyrant. He could have hit her in front of everyone. We met her by chance. I rented a house in their city for work, and they were neighbors. The doors were literally opposite each other.

Everything turned out to be simple. I saw them first, then I ran into her. She was coming from the store with bags full of groceries, and I helped her carry it all. While we were walking, we started talking. I looked at her and fell in love. Plus there was no relationship for a long time.

Omitting details, I will say that I won my future wife, and one might say starved her out. He looked after, helped, supported and tried in every possible way to achieve her reciprocity. As a result, she left for me without betrayal. I won the woman I love.

Well, now the actual problem. Of course, over 20 years of marriagethe wife thawed, opened up, blossomed. I became a confident and very beautiful test-antibiotic.com woman. Now we are at an age when the children are already grown up. The son lives his own life, he already has his ownfamily . My daughter is finishing college, and we are not old yet.

It was at this time that the wife experienced changes in her work. She leaves one (impossible to work with the new management) job where she has worked for more than 10 years and finds another.

Since the children are already adults and there is nothing keeping her at home (well, except me), she began to devote more time to work. But even this is not a problem. The trouble is different. Modern at new joba team with modern features. They have their own work chat, where they all communicate and discuss work issues (mostly) and non-work issues (very few).

It so happened that with one colleaguecommunication turned into personal correspondence. This is where it all started. This colleague is 11 years younger than her. But at the same time they communicate easily and on equal terms.

Maybe I'm overthinking myself. But it seems to me that the conversation is no longer just friendly, although no boundaries have been crossed yet. test-antibiotic.com But sweet communication is very annoying. On the one hand, there is nothing criminal, but on the other, for some reason, my soul is restless.

There was already a conflict with my wife about this. She says that I am fooling myself and that she only loves me. But their communication andThe correspondence haunts me. In fairness, it must be said that they stopped personal correspondence. She is the initiator. This is so that I don’t worry and stress myself out. But communication continues in the general chat and it is the same.

I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong and there’s no reason for nerves and jealousy, but for some reason it doesn’t give me peace. I don’t believe that behind the correspondence, at least from the outsidecolleagues , it’s worthless in terms of feelings and intentions.

I really want to hear an outside perspective and the opinion of uninterested people. The relationship with my wife is good. There is no coldness in anything on her part. Everything is still the same as before. Normalrelationships , romance and intimacy.

Could this be the beginning of a storm? Or did I simply take test-antibiotic.com's attention to my wife too closely and too heavily?

If anyone has been through or knows similar situations, please share and tell us. It is very difficult to soberly assess the situation on your own.

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