My boyfriend's friend constantly interferes in our relationship

My boyfriend's friend constantly interferes in our relationship
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My boyfriend has a large company, most of which are chauvinists and misogynists. Mythe guy is not one of them, but still. My friend introduced us to the guygirlfriend . She, in turn, knows him, since her boyfriend is his good friend. After some time, we started dating, and my friend and her boyfriend separated. But it turns out that since her ex-friend is my boyfriend, accordingly, I support himcommunication .

And what unsettles me is that this man unceremoniously climbs into ourrelationships , asking questions like: “Why are you so constrained? I thought people who have sexual intercourselife , more liberated." As a non-conflict person, for a long time I tried to ignore such attacks against me. But soon it became impossible to tolerate. I got the feeling that his friend was reading our correspondence, since my boyfriend’s phone doesn’t have a password, and some of the things he says are known only to me andmy boyfriend .

I am sure of my boyfriend, he would not tell anyone about our relationship, absolutely. But the problem is that he expects the same honest treatment from others, especially from friends. And he categorically refuses to set a password. And just the other day this friend left a comment under my photo. A still from a porn film. Very, very frank. This completely upset me, although, of course, I deleted this comment, but the unpleasant aftertaste remained.

My boyfriend talked to a friend, he apologized, but said that he didn’t see anything wrong with it. That this is normal in their company. It’s probably worth mentioning their views. They (with the exception of my boyfriend and another young man) believe that women do not deserve respect. That they can be beaten and humiliated. The most unpleasant thing is that I recently found out that these young people are gossiping among themselves about our relationship. Disgusting. Not worthy of men. But the guy doesn’t believe me, sincerely considering his friends to be very good and faithful people. I don't know how to open his eyes. Maybe I'm fooling myself, and there really is nothing wrong with this? I'm confused.

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