Friend didn't wish you happy birthday

Friend didn't wish you happy birthday
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

One of my friends did not congratulate me onHappy Birthday . It's upsetting to me. And I don’t know if I should congratulate him on his birthday now.

It would seem that everything is simple. Well, the man forgot for some reason. In principle, this is a small thing. Canforgive , don’t hold a grudge for alllife and congratulate him at least out of politeness.

But it's not that simple. I call him friend. But in reality he is something else. I don't even know what to call it. We worked together for 10 years. I was his subordinate. He is 20 years older than me, but very handsome and pleasanta man who is easy to talk to. With him, I easily forgot about the age difference and felt that he was my age, or even younger. He has a gentle character, and I always looked after him and protected him as best I could, although I myself am not so formidable, strong and scary.

At first I was in love with him and ran after him, tried to win him. He apparently noticed this and kept his distance from It hurt me painfully. After four years in this regime, I realized that it was time to leave him alone, that he did not like me as a woman. And that it might even be good that nothing worked out for me, and he and I are not together, because I loved him so much that in a relationship with him I would simply dissolve and lose myself. That all his life would blow away specks of dust from him, and he would cheat on me, put his friends in first place, and me in tenth.

In a word, I changed myattitude towards him. I still loved him, but thislove became platonic. Out of duty, I stayed by his side for another 6 years, took care of him as best I could, rejoiced at his successes and hated his enemies, but I no longer dreamed of being with him and at the same time built my personal life. Came outmarried , went on maternity leave.

Over these 6 years of work, his attitude towards me has changed. Some events at work brought us closer together, he began to trust me more, we begancommunicate informally every day on his initiative. They shared gossip and stories about themselves. He made me stand out among everyone, and most probably thought that wenovel . I dedicated him to my personalproblems (I consulted with him about whether to get married, complained abouthusband , gave himwork tips ). We congratulated each other on the holidays. I thought it wasfriendship .

When I went on maternity leave, there were changes at work. My friend got fired. He's not poor and well-connected, and I think he's doing well. Nevertheless, I was worried about him, although I could not help him in any way. I tried to find out how he was doing. ButOur communication after I went on maternity leave was only by phone and SMS, he became distant, and so did I. It was awkward for me to be friends with a man during my pregnancy, especially since he, I think, understood that I had been running after him in the past. And, perhaps, he guessed that he was still very dear to me, even though I no longer run after him so obviously. And I know almost nothing about him now. It seems that, according to his latest messages, he is doing well. But he didn’t congratulate me on my birthday. Although I congratulated him last year and even called him. It seemed to me that he was pleasantly surprised that I remembered calling to talk in person, and not writing.

Could he reallyforget about my birthday? If he could, then it turns out that this was not friendship at all. It turns out that I am nothing to him. I was just communicating out of boredom, but stopped communicating and immediately forgot about it. But that's nothing. What if he didn’t forget, but simply didn’t consider it necessary to congratulate me? During our work, there were two episodes when he really set me up. I was very hurt by his actions then, but I tried to forgive him for all this. Maybe this means that he simply had a consumerist attitude towards me? As long as it was necessary and profitable, I congratulated. Once I quit, I was no longer needed, which means I don’t have to congratulate him. Maybe that informal communication was just so that I would try harder, do my best in caring for him, and not do any harm?

I feel very bad. And I don’t know whether it’s worth congratulating him now. Hisbirthday is in a month. I can just write an SMS, I don’t want to call anything anymore, although I promised myself that I would call him all my life on his birthday. But I can’t impose myself, since he may not specifically congratulate him.

What's the best way to proceed? Congratulations via SMS or not congratulations at all?

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