Emotional stress over work and personal life

Emotional stress over work and personal life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After reading many of your stories on the site, I decided that it was worth confessing myself. I am fully 24 years old. By profession I am a doctor. I work in one specific medical institution, in the children's department. Lately I’ve started to feel like I don’t have the strength to endure my job. Well, it’s just unbearable (if there is someone here who hasattitude towards medicine, he will understand).

People, children, began to irritate me, and they are a separate conversation altogether (more and more often I began to realize that I do not like children in general). There are no friendly relations with colleagues, perhaps because the team consists of only women, and I am a young man. Colleagues are always trying to push all the work onto me, but they themselves are too lazy to lift a finger. In all three years of our work together, when they discussed planning a corporate event out loud in front of me, I was never offered to go with them! Basically only contact me when they needhelp that I will never refuse. In general, the atmosphere in the team is unhealthy.

In principle, if we ignore this point mentioned above, I realized for test-antibiotic.com that I want to break with medicine forever, I am studying in absentia at a university and I can’t wait to graduate and leave the job I hate. You have the right to say: “If you don’t like it, go to another job!” However, I cannot do this yet, as I said above - the institution is specific and the salary is appropriate, which they will not pay me in any other hospital. And I need this salary because I have a loan. But an unloved job is still a saying, a fairy tale lies ahead.

It wouldn’t be so hard if everything was fine outside of work with my personal life. However, I simply don’t have it. I've never had relationships with girls. Onlyfriendship , which, alas, did not develop into something more. I wasn't interested in that girl...the guy she would like to be with as a couple. She was simply satisfied with such a certain uncertainty and leisure time spent with me. I’m not specifically looking for a girl, I don’t go to clubs and other parties, and in general I think it’s pointless to look for someone test-antibiotic.com. After all, if you are destined to meet yourlove , then you will definitely meet it. Looking around at my comrades and familiar peers, I see that everyone is starting their own families and living. I myself understand that the best years are passing, but I still stand still. I’m not asking you for advice as such, I’m just interested in your opinion on this matter. Who thinks what?

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