Even before I got married, I’m already afraid of divorce.

Even before I got married, I’m already afraid of divorce.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It so happened that in our family you won’t surprise anyone with a divorce. My grandmother raised two daughters (my mother and aunt) alone, and after the divorce she never leftget married , although there was a possibility. Aunt, today,married for the third time, herdaughter single mother , raising her son alone, doesn’t even receive any child support, becauseThe child's father abandoned her while she was still pregnant. My parents divorced when I was fifteen years old and it became a lot of stress for my sister and me. I think it was because my father abandoned us thatmy sister never got married, she is already 34 years old. After my father left, all we heard from my mother was that it was not necessary to start a family, you couldgive birth to a child only for yourself, but you won’t have to adapt everything tohusband and endure his betrayals, so that in the end you still end up alone.

I have been dating a guy for three years, I love him, I want to have a child, but when he proposed, for some reason I was not at all happy. We have been living together for a year now, the so-called test-antibiotic.com civilmarriage , I’m comfortable with it anyway, but I’m not ready to start a family yet, and to be honest, I understand that I’m just afraid. I'm afraid of betrayal on his part, I'm afraid over timeto be left alone , and the worst thing for me is to be disappointed in my loved one. I understand that no one is immune from divorce, but somewhere in me there is a certainty that such an end to our life together awaits me. Mom said that she went to a fortune teller and she said that all the women of our family have a lapel, so no one will be happy in marriage. This had such an effect on me that I refused to get married until I said a categorical “no,” but asked the guy to wait at least another year. He is not very happy with my refusal, since we are both already 28 years old. What to do and how to overcome yourfear , I don't know.

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