Is there karma?

Is there karma?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have a distant relative, but it so happens that we communicate much more often and better than with close relatives. She is truly dear to me, which cannot be said about her daughter. She's snide and envious. She got married at almost forty, became pregnant by her husband, and took him away from the family. The parents were overjoyed becausethe daughter is the eldest in the family, but for a long time she could not arrange a personallife , while the sons had families for a long time. This disgusts me, but I had no right to climb in and judge openly.

Thismy relative's daughtermarried for 6 years, having found a family, she began to behave completely boorishly, because she was finally flatteredman . The mother supported, but suddenly she became interested in mysticism, began to learn about retribution, and was frightened by the terrible stories that supposedly happened to women who destroyed other people’s families. Now she doesn’t sleep, she has developed neurosis, and is constantly afraid that something terrible will happen to her beloved daughter.

I tried to calm her down, saying that troubles can happen to absolutely anyone, but she couldn’t be convinced, just like a crazy person controls her daughter and granddaughter, constantly warns against something. Everyone talks about karma.

I would like to know your opinion on whether karma really exists and have you heard of cases related to it? I am very worried about my relative, she has completely lost peace and sleep.

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