Fantasies of my selfish daughter

Fantasies of my selfish daughter
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Here is my life story. We lived with my husband for 13 years. We lived normally, but then I found out thathusband mistress , and all these years he lived with two families. We divorced,my daughter stayed with me, she was 12 years old.

Shortly after my divorce, I met a good man. He had a similar situation -the wife left for her lover. Sad and funny. The man was going to come live with me. His relationship with my daughter did not work out. His daughter gave him real terror. I tried to talk to her, but the answer was that only dad would live with us. I say, but dad already has another onefamily , he won’t live with us. The daughter answered, that means there will be no one except dad. She already decided everything for me. Unable to withstand this war,the man broke up with me, and my daughter was happy and waited for her dad to return.

Time passed, and I met another worthy man. I was afraid to bring him into the house, remembering my daughter’s difficult character. But we fell in love with each other, and Victor moved to me. The daughter declared war. I will not describe all the dirty tricks and meanness of my daughter. She kept telling me to kick Victor out. I said that I was not going to kick anyone out. She is 16 years old, time will pass quickly, she will come outget married , and I'll be left alone. Victor is a decent man, and I will be with him.

When my daughter saw that I was not going to part with Victor, she told me thatpregnant _ I almost fainted. I asked whofather of the child? And the daughter answered that it was Victor. But if this is the case, then you need to report it to the police. This is a crime, she is still a minor, but the daughter stated that there was no rape, everything was by consent. Victor loves her. What about your hostility?attitude towards him? She replied that she did it so that I wouldn’t guess anything.

Victor arrived. I had a heated conversation with him. He said that he had nothing to do with my daughter's pregnancy.relationship , but guesses who the father of the child is. He saw her a couple of times in the company of one student. The daughter threw a tantrum and said that she was moving to live with her father. And she moved. My exMy husband , having learned about everything, rushed to me and got into a fight with Victor. My husband shouted that I don’t think about my daughter, I only have men in my head. Victor packed his things, and when leaving, he said that he would demand a DNA examination.

As it turned out later, the daughter was pregnant from the student Victor was talking about. And in her father’s house, the daughter gave everyone a merrylife , especially his wife, and my husband asked me to take my daughter back to me. I refused. She said that she and her daughter ruined my life, and now let them figure it out themselves. It ended up that the husband rented an apartment for his daughter, her student husband and his grandson. I am glad that my daughter lives separately.

I'm alone again. And recently I accidentally met Victor. We sat in a cafe and talked. He made an appointment with me, to which he came with a bouquet of roses. Perhaps fate is giving me another chance?

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