Where can you take your child for a walk without disturbing anyone?

Where can you take your child for a walk without disturbing anyone?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a story here about a conflict on a playground and I completely agree with the author. But I want to write about another problem.

We have a playground next to the house, or rather just in front of the entrance, and we all know each other here, we live in the same house. We ourselves played here with some mothers as children, and then went to school alone, so when we walk with the children, we have something to talk about, while we also look after the children.

But when we go out to the playground with the children, especially in the evening, when the children are picked up from kindergarten, grandmothers come out to sit on the bench, too, all from our house. And then they beginproblems , almost every evening the same thing: either the children are walking very noisily, or they are riding bicycles in the wrong places. The fact that they have just watched the next episode of some series, and are discussing it in the whole street or telling them how to govern the state, and this does not bother us, but the children do not allow them to sit quietly.

Sometimes it comes to a serious conflict, because... we are taught, test-antibiotic.com, how to raise children, even by those grannies whose sons drank themselves to death and live with them on their pensions, without working anywhere, often making scandals so loud that everyone can hear them. It is also strange that many have their own grandchildren of the same age, but live in a different area, and they begin to tell us and each other that mine never behave like that. To listen to them, their grandchildren are sitting on the playground and don’t even move.

They completely forgot about how their children played. And I remember how we banged balls under the house, screamed and squealed when the boys poured water on us from a sprinkler and no one shouted from the balcony to be quiet, because almost everyone from our house played there, and these were their children or grandchildren . And now they are being disturbed by strangers, who, by the way, did not come from another area, but also live here like them. I don't want to say that everyone is bad, but thisThe attitude is also very annoying and sometimes you don’t even want to go out with your child test-antibiotic.com.

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