Ready to forgive my wife for cheating to save the family

Ready to forgive my wife for cheating to save the family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My wife and I lived together for 17 years. We have a commonson (6 years old). House, car,apartment . Two years ago she broke her leg and almost all the responsibilities fell on me.

She was bored lying around doing nothing in the hospital, and against my opinion, she installed a mobile phoneInternet . After that it started... First there were online games, then chats,communication , friends. Now she doesn’t let go of her phone, neither on the street nor at home (she even sleeps with it under her pillow). At first, her desire for intimacy faded (1-2 per month). For the last six months, not at all.

And then one month ago she said that she wants to get a divorce, because... She had no feelings left for me. OnDo you have a question ? The answer was yes. As it turned out, at first she began to correspond, then call back. He tops up her phone and calls herevery day . He says that he is madly in love and wants to take him with him. I am 40 years old, my wife is 39. He is 32 years old.

I thought she was joking, but one morning I took the child to kindergarten, went into the room and saw thatwife is talking to someone on phone. I waited 2-3 minutes for her to talk. During all this time, the wife said one word, “Yes,” and a male voice spoke on the other side of the receiver. I told her to give me the phone number, she did. As it turned out, it was he who called. I was on edge, I yelled at him a lot, I told him to leave his wife alone, wefamily ,child , etc. In response, without much shouting, I was told to let her go, because... they love each other, and I manipulate the child. That she would have left me a long time ago, but the child is still holding me. Then he began to tell me ourproblems in bed, that she doesn’t love me, doesn’t want me, and that’s why we haven’t had intimacy for six months. I talked to my wife. She really says that she doesn't feel anything for me. Neither love, nor pity, nor hatred, and my touches are not pleasant to her.

We are almost always in different rooms, because... she's always on her phone. After our conversation, apparently because of the child, she agreed to break up with him. I went to the garden, and when I arrived, her eyes were wet, she said that she had torn it and he blocked her. She worried all night and told her to leave her alone and not touch her. But the next day the calls started again. I suggested that she throw out the SIM card, she replied that no, because... he'll come right over.

According to her, it is located 1500 km away. He says that he doesn’t want to chop right away, but will talk to him every day, etc. She hasn’t left the family, she’ll slowly stop calling her. My opinion is, of course, that this is stupidity, but maybe I’m wrong? I was asked to apply fordivorce and live separately for 1-2 months. I refused. He said that if we file for divorce, I won’t come back, because... I understand that she will communicate with him without me. She says I didn't pay enough attention to her.

I suggested: “let’s change everything, let’s go abroad every year on vacation, to the seas on hikes. If someone doesn’t like something about another, talk about it and try to solve it. He answers that it’s too late, it won’t be like before. So we’ve been living for two months now in a state of confusion. ChangeHe doesn’t want to have a better relationship with me, he won’t even let me apply ointment to my lower back, I communicate in different rooms. I’m at work half the day, she’s at home and vice versa.

She communicates with him every day, plays with toys. There is no answer about divorce. He says he doesn't know what to do. Her parents are also for me. They say if you want to leave, go, and leave the child to the father. She says that the child will only be with her. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I never raised my hand to her. I love my wife and child and don’t want to leave, but it’s impossible to live like this. It's like she's under hypnosis. I look into her eyes, and there really is nothing in them for me, not a single feeling, no.

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