And there are such people

And there are such people
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In life, I had to deal with different people, with their own advantages and disadvantages. But once I met such a person, or rather stood in my way, in whom all the negative qualities for me were combined - envy, anger, arrogance, and also suffering from chronic alcoholism. I needed a job urgently, and I got a job at a supermarket, and hot meals were free, and the schedule seemed to be suitable. The team is surprisingly good, there are many people with higher education who simply could not realize themselves in time: they left someone inopportunelyhusband who closed his own retail outlet. There were a lot of us like this unsold, in a small store.

They tried to share joys and sorrows, help, sympathize, helped each other out and exchanged money and shifts. But there was one among us who spoiled it all. Even though I was laid off, I’m still glad that I don’t see or hear her. This person had such a negative effect on me, as if he was sucking out my energy, exhausting me both mentally and physically, putting pressure on in every possible way and tormenting me. Although she was simply, for the most part a nobody, she worked as a sales assistant. She had no education, no intelligence, no tact.

She was a young-looking woman of retirement age with extensive life experience and clearly inflated self-esteem, requiring special favor andsuperior relations . And I am a young girl, compared to her, at the time I met I was about 30. I am a balanced, calm person by nature, and in life I have always adhered to the principle: “don’t touch me and I won’t touch you.” She had an aggressive attitude. From the very moment she appeared in the store, she began to curry favor with the authorities and be nice to the guards. She tried to make me look like I was just stupid in front of everyone.

Like all intelligent people, I tried to simply not notice all her dirty tricks and tricks at first, turning a blind eye to her negativity towards me. But in vain, however, I did so. She annoyed me so much. It began to seem to her that I was working worse than her and began to constantly complain to my superiors, the merchandiser immediately took her side, and the director, a young girl about my age, reacted to this with humor, but not for long. The director called me one day and told me that they were changing my department. And in the end, they hung me, a fragile young woman, to arrange goods for the entire hall. And they chose what was heavier - mineral water, all alcoholic products, and in addition to this, cereal products andsugar . But at that moment I was in a difficult life situation, and there was no way out, I had to work, be silent and endure.

From such work, constantly carrying heavy things, everything hurt, and at home I cried from humiliation. There was no strength for anything. And then suddenly this colleague said: “You’re young, you should help me.” And she went to complain to the director about me again. Well, this time good people got ahead of her and stood up for me. And this angered her, and she also turned the senior salespeople against me, giving them the freedom to do whatever they wanted to me, belittling me in everything. Buying something stylish and putting it on is a nightmare for her, she began to get angry, is furious, tormented by envy, although I am 2 times younger than her.

I turned into Cinderella at this job. Once, the director, who had been bombarded by a colleague with complaints about me, heard that I was dissatisfied with something and told me: “If you don’t like something, leave.” And she said this on purpose right in front of my offender. She rejoiced. I realized that I had no one to complain to. But the next day, on a day off, the director, just in case, called me at home and told me to go to work.

And this employee also has the vice of begging, although she receives a decent salary, she constantly takes on part-time jobs. Either it will fit into my bag of chips, or it will snatch half a loaf from someone. Or I go home, take some juice for the road, and she keeps repeating: “And I like it that way.” I answered her: “So go and buy it.”

At the beginning of our acquaintance, I followed her lead and treated her to a bar of chocolate, an popsicle, a bun, orcheburek . I thought maybe I’d shut her mouth like that. She’s one of those who constantly hangs around at the threshold of the manager’s room, and maybe she’ll put in a word for me when she does. She drank oncemoney , but I felt sorry for her, she was hungry, I bought her the same lunch as I bought for myself. But that didn't help either.

At first I seemed grateful, but then everything continued the same. Moreover, she could insult me, knowing that I would not complain. But her unquestioning authority lasted until the first winter holidays; she, pretending to be ill, went away for three weeks tobinge . She was forgiven, she promised not to drink again, but she repeated it 4 times for another three weeks. And all the same, the authorities respected and appreciated her for denouncing people like me, although they were already very wary.

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