It wasn't just cheating

It wasn't just cheating
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Mymy wife cheated on me on the eve of our wedding, just a day before it, by sleeping with her ex-boyfriend. It was like a lightning strike that destroyed all my dreams of a happy and strong family.

I knew about her past relationships, she did not hide the fact that there were many guys before me, but I thought that by honestly admitting this fact, my beloved would change. After all, she chose me, so why worry?

Ourthe relationship seemed so ideal, I believed in ourlove , trusted her, and the sudden discovery left me with a deep sense of loss and betrayal. At first it was difficult to realize what was really happening. Even now, after the divorce, I feel lost and deceived. I'm trying to understand how past love could be replaced by such pain. It's not onlybetrayal is betrayal before our life together began. This will haunt me for a long time.

Now, two years after the divorce, I wonder how I could not break up with her that same day? Why did you marry knowing about the betrayal? How did it not occur to me that the future father of the child might not be me? I love mine very muchdaughter , so I don’t want to do a paternity test, I’m afraid to find out that she is not mine.

This all sounds strange, but it is true. I still haven’t gotten married and I don’t know if I can trust even one more woman in the world!

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