Sometimes a relationship is worth fighting for

Sometimes a relationship is worth fighting for
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’ve been dating a girl for 1.5 years, almost immediately (about a month later) we moved in together and still live together. For the first six months everything was just perfect, then it became a little boring, we got used to each other, the household appliances began to jam and so we startedswear more and more often.

A month ago we had a big fight again. We had a lot of problems, and the dog got very sick andthe treatment cost a lot of money. Plus, we rent an apartment that’s not cheap, she hadproblems with women's health (again, treatment is not cheap). I was exhausted trying to clear up all this mess, I even sold some of my personal belongings because... my salary was sorely lacking. And she sat depressed, whining that “life is shit” and did nothing. As a result, I was tired of constantly consoling and motivating her, but stilldepression took hold of me. I freaked out, couldn’t stand it and, packing my things, left. In response, I received several offensive phrases about how I was “not a man,” “weak,” “running away from problems,” and the like.

The next day I decided that in some ways she was right, that I had run away from problems and acted like a pig, leaving her with a dog, an apartment payment and 2 loans that were issued for her, although I paid them . I tried to talk, to come back, but the only response I received was a cold “it’s over, I don’t love you anymore.” Personally, I attach a certain meaning to the words “I love you” and this answer led me to bewilderment. We are not in a TV show, where there is no meaning in words and even actions. I started thinking of different waysto return more, and did a bunch of stupid things like whining, involving her friends and mother in solving our problems. It didn't work out.

After a week of such attempts, I resigned myself and decided thatlife does not end and I calmed down a little. After that, the next day she wrote herself and invited her to go to the dacha with her parents. We went and made peace there.

Now we haven’t been arguing for a month, I changed jobs, I’m trying to make fewer mistakes, I’m correcting all the mistakes that she used to reprimand me. It seems that the problems began to gradually resolve. She has become more affectionate and often says that she still loves me very much.

So if it seems to you that everything is over and that nothing will definitely come out of your relationship, don’t get too excited, perhaps all is not lost and it’s worth trying to get everything back. Sometimes it works out, as you can see.

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