Confession of a future programmer

Confession of a future programmer
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Summer is coming to an end and very soon I will have to go to school again. I am a 3rd year student at a famous Kyiv university and am studying to become a programmer. More precisely, I thought that I was studying, but in fact... But first things first.

I entered this terrible faculty “for company” with my boyfriend, who really wanted to come here. We dated since 9th grade, but still broke up a year ago. And now I don’t have a single reason left why I should study here. I understand perfectly well thatI'm not much of a programmer , I need thisI don’t like the profession and I definitely won’t be able to do it all the timelife . Despite the fact that the salaries and working conditions of IT specialists are the envy of those who have never programmed, I know that I will have to work hard and a lot.

If earlier my teacher helped me with writing practical papersguy , in which I didn’t see anything reprehensible, then I need to smile at the other guys so that they take me into the working group to work on the project and do for me what I should do myself, but I don’t know how. Since we don’t have many girls studying here, and I look pretty good, there are no problems with assistants, but I am ashamed and very unpleasant that I have to make a deal with my own conscience. I am sure thata girl should be an independent person, earnmoney with your mind or hands, but not with smiles and deep necklines. But in practice, in life, it turns out completely differently. And I don't know how to break out of this vicious circle.

Look for anotheruniversity will not work, because My family doesn’t have money for a contract (I’m currently studying on a budget), and I’m unlikely to be able to enroll again for free. And, to be honest, I’m not ready for all these upheavals in connection with changing universities, I’m not ready to start all over from scratch. But I don’t see any special prospects after graduating from university.

I can’t tell my friends or even classmates about this, but I would like to hear the opinion of experienced people who graduated from university a long time ago and have encountered similar situations in practice. What awaits me? What should I do?

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