Mother's Confession

Mother's Confession
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My daughter is now 27 years old. From early childhood, I instilled in her virtue, self-esteem, modesty and homeliness. Everything that modern girls lack so much.

I never allowed my child to wear frivolous outfits, go to dubious places (discos, holiday camps, overnight stays at dachas and other obscenities), and did not allow my child to watch stupid films and video clips that fool young people and impose depraved behavior on them. I don’t think that my only daughter has anything to learn from silicone dolls who make money from a famous place, and not from their talents and intelligence.

In a word, I took raising my child very seriously. My daughter never understood me, but I hoped that with age she would understand what problems I saved her from. What's hermy husband will be grateful to me for being a good housewife and a faithful companion, and she herself will understand that entertainment and frivolous behavior will not lead to good. I was always against her meeting boys, because... at first it was too early, and then these boys were of dubious “quality” - apparently there was no one to raise them.

My daughter graduated from school with a gold medal,University - almost with honors, without bribes and retakes. She has a great job, friends, whom she doesn’t introduce me to, but I don’t insist anymore. She wanted to move into her own apartment, fortunatelyShe has money , but my health does not allow me to live alone - I need care.

A week ago I saw her crying in the kitchen. She insisted that she tell her what happened. She cried out in anger that I had ruined her life and that there was and never would be anything bright in her life.

I was offended to the point of tears by such ingratitude. But now that I've thought about it a lot, I realize that in some ways she's right. That I replaced her life with mine, I wanted her not to make my mistakes. But she, so ideal, had no time and no one to live with.

I really want to drink lots and lots of sleeping pills and never wake up again, to free my child from the obligation to spend the rest of his best years on a sick tyrant mother. I’ve even bought the pills, but I still can’t make up my mind. I’m afraid of sin and – honestly – I want to live. ButSurely a mother should be ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of her child?

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