Confession of a guy who became a girl

Confession of a guy who became a girl
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to confess anonymously, I ask you to listen to my sincere, truthfulConfession and judge according to your conscience. I want to hear everything you think.

I was born a man and at birth received the name Konstantin. My parents couldn't do it for a long timegive birth to a child, and then they had a babyson .

My entire childhood was spent in love and affection. I was never denied anything. But I grew up and every day I realized that at birth God gave me the wrong body. I really wanted to be a girl. I wanted to wear beautiful dresses and bows.

Dad tried to raise me to be a real man, taught me to fight, and put me in boxing. But all this was not interesting to me. I grew up small and thin. I was often confused with a girl.

I liked to look at women and girls, but in no case with erotic thoughts - I admired their hairstyles, clothes, makeup...

One day my mother came to visit us.friend with family. She had a girl my age.

One evening, when everyone was sitting in the yard and singing songs, I snuck into their room and saw a girl’s red dress. I really wanted to try it on, and I put it on. By chance my dad saw it. He scolded me, and a day later they took me to a psychologist. But she just threw up her hands.

As I got older, I began to realize that I was not comfortable in a man's body. I didn't like everything connected with boyish fun. I didn’t run around the yard, didn’t fight, didn’t play football. I've always loved wearing clean clothes. I asked my mother to buy me colorful shirts.

FourteenthMy birthday was a turning point for me. At a time when guys met girls, were rejected and tried again, at that moment I was surrounded by female attention.

I had a lot of girlfriends, exactly girlfriends. It was interesting for me to communicate with the girls, as they say, to get to know their inner world.

Once the boys from my class beat me badly, I spent three months in the hospital. It was then that I realized that it became difficult for me in a male body. I didn’t want to live and decided to tell my parents everything.

Mom was crying. I heard a lot of bad words from my dad. My parents stopped talking to me. The only person who always supported me was my friend Sashenka. It was she who suggested I have sex reassignment surgery. She was the one who was there for all these years.

At the age of 15, I was forced to leave home, where they did not understand me. He lived in an apartment left to Sasha by his late grandmother. He started working, first as a waiter, then at a gas station.

I savedmoney for the operation. I traveled a little, though more by bus or hitchhiking and around the country, because... There was nowhere to get money for foreign tours.

When I turned 16 and received a passport, Sasha and I went to Moscow, to a special clinic. But there they just shrugged: “Until the age of 18, only with your parents, and after that you’re welcome.”

We found out the price of gender reassignment surgery, and I realized that I would never raise that kind of money. My hands gave up. Life has become uninteresting and unnecessary. My parents couldn't understand either, especiallyfather , how can his only son, named after his grandfather, a front-line soldier, want to become a woman? How?!

I was desperate. I didn’t want to live, but she stopped meMother . My mommy. She came to me secretly from my father, brought me a small amount of money and asked me not to disgrace them after the operation, to disappear.

She accepted that I couldn’t live in a man’s body, but she also couldn’t stand people’s gossip. I don't blame her for this and I understand everything.

I had the operation when I was 20 years old. All this time we were collecting money, my friend Sashenka helped a lot. She sold her grandmother's collection for me. I was admitted to the clinic, I went through 3 operations, and had breast surgery.

I don’t know how I would have survived there without Sasha. After the operation, she helped me become a woman: she taught me how to dress, how to put on makeup, how to behave. Thanks to my fragile physique and unmasculine face, it was easy for me to change my clothes.

So on July 21, Konstantin died, and on July 24, Marina was born. Exactly 3 days for mineDoctors fought their lives .

One of my friends helped me make documents from scratch so that there would be no trace of Kostya’s ex. I left for another city, I’ve been living here for 6 years. In the mirror I see a spectacular brunette.

Two years ago I met Anton and fell in love at first sight. He is a successful businessman, in the summer it will be a year since we were married.

Even before the wedding, I came up with a plausible story about a terrible accident in which my parents and eldest , about the many operations I have undergone. He believed and accepted this fictional and hard-won reality of mine.

His parents welcomed me with open arms. Mymy husband insists that we get married, but I can’t, I’m afraid. Somewhere in the depths of my soul I am ashamed before God for this deception. But I didn't choosethe body in which I was born.

Lately I've been thinking about what will happen if my husband wants a child? His brother is the owner of a private perinatal clinic. He will immediately take me to a consultation.

A month ago I went to Sashka for advice. She lives in my hometown, on my street. Came outmarried , she has a pretty girl. From her I learned that Kostya’s parents buried him and made a grave with a cross. How could they do this, I’m alive? Or would I really be better off dead for them?

I don't know what will happen next. I'm afraid to confess to my husband. God, how difficult everything is! I really wanted to become a woman! It seemed easy to me, but I had no idea what I would do when I fell in love.

Everyone says that the bitter truth is better than the sweetlie . But it seems to me that in my case this is not a solution. I know that I will never be able to confess everything to my husband, that he will not understand. And that now she is forced to live in a lie for the rest of her days.

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