Confessions of a Happy Man

Confessions of a Happy Man
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I write in order to speak out, to satisfy the impulse to tell someone my story, to tell it like this, anonymously to the same anonymous readers. For me that is the best option.

I grew up in an ordinary family, with the usual normal moral standards and foundations, I was not a pervert and did not see this from others. I also had a normal youth and, like most, the first unhappylove . After the army, I, like any layman, graduated from the institute, got a job and got married, having met, as it seemed to me, the woman I loved. And be minehappy marriage , I would not write here 100%.

Having lived almost 8 years in marriage, I was faced with treason. My wife, whom I loved to madness, cheated on me. I don’t know how, but relatives on both sides talked us out of a divorce, though not for long, a year later we got divorced anyway. The only good clean and bright thing left of the marriage is my beloved daughter, who at that time was 6 years old. She and her brothers and best friends were my lifesaver and mainstay of back in the day.

A year after the divorce, I met a very interesting couple and discovered a new life and a new world regarding relationships, maybe someone will understand what I mean if they know what (SwingerClub) is. In simple terms, free relationships plus meetings and acquaintances with the same people, and complete absolute freedom in sex. In 6 years of such a life, I changed more partners than in my entire life before and even more so after that. Parties, hangouts, holidays and special events, and all this with one single subtext - sex without boundaries and rules.

Already at the club, I met Oksana, and in a sense, we even started a relationship, we lived under the same roof, slept with each other, but at the same time there were other partners. But there was another side: Oksana went through the same thing as me and therefore there was no talk about marriage and children, we had a separate budget, our own life on the side and our “friends and girlfriends” in the club . But at the same time we were together. I know it’s not normal and I think so myself, but then for me and for her it was normal.

To be honest, such a new round in the relationship helped me.forget the past, ex-wife and become happy and free. I lived a full life, was content and happy, but the formermy wife , seeing me so happy, seethed with envy and resentment, although she leftmarry the lover with whom I cheated. But apparently dreams of a heavenly life with a lover remained dreams.

After 5 years, I began to lose interest and pleasure in such a life and just began to put it all in the background. Oksana and I parted ways peacefully, without swearing or scandals, and I left for a new round of my life. By that time, I had changed from one city to another, one job to another, and found myself in other hobbies and hobbies. I made billiard tables, balls and cues with my own hands and with my own labor, I had decentmoney , was fond of billiards as a player and amateur, and even took part in competitions and tournaments. In addition, I became interested in traveling and the so-called "Stalking", and this became my passion no less than billiards.

You can’t imagine what a pleasure it is to throw a backpack behind your back, get on a motorcycle and go to where there are no people at all, abandoned cities, villages, unfinished buildings, destroyed military facilities, mountains, steppes, taiga. I lived a completely different life and was extremely happy. The ex-wife, seeing that I was not only not broken, but every year more and more happy and satisfied with my life, began to regret everything more and more, and it got to the point that after her second divorce, she suggested that I start all over again and admitted, I really regret everything that I have done. But I refused. I survived everything, and for me it was no more. My daughter, when she grew up, joined me, and we began to travel together. She shared my passion with me, but also opened a new one for me - computers and electronics. We studied programming together, studied test-antibiotic.

It's been 15 years since my divorce. I do not regret anything, I am a happy and successful person for myself. I am very satisfied with my life. I did and tried everything I wanted to, succeeded everywhere I wanted to. My life is not limited to unhappy relationships, disgusting work and hopeless depression, I live a full and rich life and enjoy it. Yes, my relationship did not work out, but I have a job that brings me pleasure and satisfaction. I have hobbies that bring me a lot of happiness, and I have a favoritedaughter with whom we are not just a parent andbaby , but also best friends.

I learned in this life to truly live, live to the fullest and not look back, let go of the past and move forward. I learned to live only the good, cutting off the bad from myself as an unnecessary ballast, and live with all the good that is in my life.

Even if my life was not highly moral and correct from this point of view, but I don’t regret anything, I’m glad that it turned out the way it did. And marriage and relationships ... To be honest, I do not believe in the eternity of feelings, love and romance. There is only one eternal love, love between children and parents, the rest is all far-fetched and illusory, albeit very beautiful.

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