Confession of a random witness to a crime

Confession of a random witness to a crime
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This happened on March 7th of this year. After a corporate party dedicated to International Women's Day, I returned home with a small bouquet of tulips and a cake. The journey from work to home is about 15 minutes, but you have to walk along a small path through a park, which is well lit and calm. Our area is not considered to be a crime-ridden area, and I have always felt calm while overcoming this path. The mood was excellent: compliments, congratulations, a couple of glasses of champagne - in general, “everything was fine.”

It was about a five-minute walk to the house when I heard strange sounds nearby. I would have thought that this was a couple of lovers giving in to their wonderful feeling right on the street, if not for the bitter sobsgirls . I stopped and looked around. Ten meters from me on a middle-aged benchthe man was simply tormenting the girl. She lay face down, buried in the still unmelted snow, occasionally emitting tired and exhausted sobs. A little further away lay her purse - a very unusual dice-shaped purse. I wasn’t even scared, but holding back the heroic impulse of a fighter for good and justice, caused by drinking champagne, with fingers shaking from the cold, I dialed the police number. The opera did not have to wait long and arrived literally in two minutes. They tied up the rapist, and the girl was taken away by ambulance.

After sitting until one in the morning at the police station, and telling the operatives everything that I had seen a hundred times, I, broken and tired, finally got home. I won’t describe my conversation with my husband, but believe me, it was not very pleasant.

A couple of days later I was again called to testify and I again repeated everything that I saw that evening.

A couple of months passed, and the day came for the trial of that same rapist. He turned out to be a 38-year-old resident of our city, a certain A.A. Svirin. As it turned out, hemy mother was my work colleague, but her persuasion to take my testimony did not stop me. I told everything as it happened, “from” to “to”. But, despite this, citizen Svirin was sentenced to only two years probation...

Her name was Naira, she was 16 years old, she was returning from preparatory courses at the university where she dreamed of enrolling. Now her fate is ruined. Destroyed by this, I will refrain from being rude, by Svirin. I felt incredibly sorry for her, looking into her eyes I cried, I felt that I was somehow guilty of her.

Six months passed, I began to forget that unpleasant situation when I received a call on my mobile from an unfamiliar number. It was a man, he introduced himself as Arthur, and very politely but persistently asked me to meet. I agreed.

During the conversation it became clear that hebrother of that same Naira. At first I didn’t understand what exactly he wanted from me, but then it dawned on me. All of themthe family is extremely dissatisfied with the court's decision, and they want to talk to the rapist, the way Caucasian men do. And only one thing is required of me: give him the address of Svirin’s mother, since he himself lives far outside the city and they cannot find him. I denied it in every possible way, saying that I don’t know the address, I left work, and so on. My interlocutor listened to me, got into the car and drove away.

Another month passed and my friend Arthur already rang my doorbell, but he was not alone, but with three equally strong guys. I got a little scared because...My husband and dad weren’t at home, but I didn’t show them. Now these hot guys, in a more persistent form, “advised” me to tell me the coordinates of Nairina’s offender’s mother. And again I remained silent.

Just a couple of days ago I received a message on a social network, it literally looked like this: “Whoever covers up a criminal is a criminal himself. You have to pay for mistakes."

As a human being, I understand that the criminal did not receive due punishment, and as a woman, I am very sorry for Naira, but as a citizen of the rule of law, forgive the banality, I cannot allow lynching. My conscience is simply tearing me apart, and with every fiber of my soul I wish this freak Svirin punishment, but I can’t hand him over... So I’ve been tormented for several months now, suppressing in myself a keen sense of justice and legality.

All names and surnames have been changed, similarities are coincidental.

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