My friend's love story

My friend's love story
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a childhood friend. While he and I were single, we saw a lot of things, but one day he “put on rose-colored glasses” when he met a girl named Yulia. For some reason I didn't like her right away. At first I couldn’t even understand why - she seemed kind, sociable...

They met beautifully, always together, and she gave her friend no reason to be jealous. He got her a good job through an acquaintance.

Almost two years passed in this idyll. One day he calls and I hear him crying. I would never have thought that it was becausethe girls will cry. It turns out that she went to see a boy who is five years younger than her (she was 25 then, in my opinion), explains that she fell in love, and asked not to think badly of her.

With grief I pulled my friend out of depression; he suffered for six months. He seemed to have calmed down, they even began to correspond, although it was hard for him. She wrote to him about her entertainment, that her future father-in-law bought them an apartment, etc. and so on. She even accused him that he would never give this to her.

The new boy grew up and became smarter. this Julia began to seem too old to him, which he soon informed her about. After this phrasethe relationship lasted for another month, then there was a scandal: the “boy” hit her hard, collected her things and kicked her out of the apartment. This is all from the words of a friend to whom this same Julia recounted everything, so it’s not a fact that everything happened exactly like that. By that time, the friend had a good job and salary, was dating a good girl, in general, everything seemed to be working out.

One fine moment, my joyful friend calls and says that Yulia asked to take her back. She didn’t seem to understand what came over her then (and this was for more than two years?) “some kind of crazy passion”, “her eyes opened”, “I realized that I love only you” and everything in the same spirit. When I heard this, I started sweating - I remembered how I brought him out of depression. I tried to dissuade him as much as I could, we even got drunk together, I even punched him in the eye to clear his brain and broke his phone out of anger (I’m still ashamed, but he forgave). Didn't help. My friend put on rose-colored glasses again and said: “It’s fate, I love nothing.”

He breaks up with his girlfriend and starts dating this Yulia again. Very soon they got married, Julia quickly became pregnant and they moved to live with his mother-in-law. Yulia went on maternity leave and then it began: there is not enough money, work more. A friend is moving to another job, everything seems to be enough. Everyone is fed and dressed, there is a car, and his parents help, it’s not crowded, but it’s not empty either.

Yulia served three years on maternity leave and is returning to work. Very quickly he “grows up” to deputy director and again starts nagging about “you don’t earn enough.” A friend starts his own business. As you know, starting out is very difficult, he got into debt.

Suddenlyhis wife kicks him out of the apartment, saying that his mother-in-law doesn’t want to live with a freeloader. She said that whenThen the money will be there and you will return it. Now he sometimes comes to them, walks with the child, sometimes with hersex falls apart, she does all the men’s work around the house, but, in her opinion, they can’t live together. My friend from went crazy, he came to me at night, we used to have a drink with him. My wife swore at first, but then she understood everything,stopped swearing .

Things didn't work out for him, he went broke. Julia announces that she has been sleeping with someone else for two months, arguing that she felt bad and sad. It turned out that with the new guy they “grew into love”, “he is young, promising, loves her, he has no debts”, “I also feel young”, etc. She was 33, the “young man” was 24. A friend is going crazy, I’m upset, I take a vacation, we go to the dacha with him, we drink for 4 days. It seemed like he was released and we came home.

A couple of days later he callsA friend's mother says that he tried to hang himself, but they managed to take it off. I go to him, talk, support. He seemed to realize his stupidity and promised not to do it again.

My friend stayed in the hospital, got a job, almost paid off his debts, and cooled down. He got divorced, but he went out with his daughter and paid alimony. Evena new girl has appeared.

The result is this. Once this ex-Yulia of his had a drink with her “promising young man” at a corporate party, he got jealous of her for and threw her down the steps at the entrance, I can’t be more precise. At the trial he was acquitted, saying she tripped and he called an ambulance. They didn’t listen to Yulia, because... she was drunk at that time. The hospital said that for her to be able to walk, she needs a very expensive operation plus long-term rehabilitation (spinal injury), and it’s not a fact that it will work. The “promising” one immediately disappeared, although before the trial he ran around with flowers and apologized. Yulia calls my friend, he is going to the hospital. There are again tears, snot, “I’m sorry, I was a fool” (this is at 34 years old), “I love only you”, “when I get better,coffee for you in bed in the morning”, “we’ll get through everything together” and other sentimental speeches. My friend is completely gone. My mother-in-law refused to exchange the apartment for a two-room apartment in a Khrushchev-era building; my friend’s parents also didn’t want to take on such aloan , but not a single bank would give him money for several more years - there were large delays in payments. I didn't have that kind of money either. My friend turned into a “walking dead man”, began to abuse alcohol, and couldn’t hear me at all. His daughter lives with him, sometimes they go to see Yulia together.

This is such a sad love story. And it seems to serve her right, but it’s not just her who suffers, right?

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