My friend's story

My friend's story
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'll tell you a real life story about difficult family relationships. Irina lived with her husband Victor for 11 years. He's quite uniqueman . With unusual viewslife , onhealth . His firstwife lost a child during childbirth, suchmisfortune ​She, as I understand it, has some kind of serious illness, the doctors did not advise her to give birth at all. But they really wanted children, they took a risk - and as a result, the baby was born sick and died immediately, they did not save him. I don’t know the details; Victor didn’t like to talk about it.

But as a result of this story, he hated official medicine, all doctors indiscriminately. He repeated that they were “murderers in white coats,” they killed his son, they almost killed him on purpose. Maybe the doctors were really to blame there, I don’t know.

Victor soon separated from this wife (I don’t know why), but he retained his hatred of doctors. I never went to a clinic, I was treated only with folk remedies or with some psychics. He also converted Irishka to this faith. He is older, she was 24 then, he was 35, and she literally looked into his mouth, loved him very much, obeyed. She also stopped seeing doctors, even when she fell off her bike a month after the wedding -her husband did not let her into the hospital; he treated her at home with some decoctions and lotions. Although then she hit her head hard, literally could not get up, and all her relatives and friends persuaded her to at least take a photo. But that time everything seemed to work out.

A year later, Ira became pregnant. She was very happy, she was only worried that her husband would not allow her to be observed in consultation, and she was a little scared. Still the firstpregnancy . Victor categorically forbade her to go to the doctor and register. The relatives were shocked and tried to persuade Ira to go to a consultation in secret.husband , but she flatly refused. I didn’t want to upset my beloved, who has such a thing. I had unlimited faith that he would not give bad advice.

Hermy mother called me in tears and asked me to influence my friend. I tried, but it's no use. Then Ira’s mother herself tried to convince Victor, talking about all sorts of dangers and pathologies of pregnancy. ended in a terrible quarrel. Victor shouted at his mother-in-law, was rude, calling him “a backward fool, full of prejudices.” He stated that doctors are the main danger, and if a woman wants to continue her pregnancy it’s normalgive birth , she must stay away from them, otherwise they will kill both her and the child.

He said that he would deliver the baby at her home with the help of some “spiritual midwife” he knew, who had a largeexperience . They say that only “old whores who slept with everyone and picked up a bunch of diseases” need to be seen in a consultation, and a decent young healthy woman does not need someone to “get inside with dirty hands” and prevent her from bearing a child. He threatened to send his wife to another city to live with his relatives, away from “bad advisers.”

Ira then cried and asked not to interfere. And why not drag her, tied up, to a consultation? But Irishkin’s mother did not resign herself, she continued to slowly persuadedaughter secretly see a doctor. Moreover, the pregnancy did not proceed smoothly - I was bothered by unpleasant sensations and minor bleeding. Victor gave her more herbs to drink and took her to some psychic, who “carried out energy treatment.”

When Irina was in her fourth month, her husband left for a week to visit his father, who was ill. Apparently, he brought his own herbs. As soon as he left, my mother almost fell to her knees in front of Ira and finally took her to her friend’s gynecologist. What follows is like a nightmare. The doctor became wary, sent Ira for an urgent examination, and a few days later the doctors announced the diagnosis: a malignant ovarian tumor, which began to develop rapidly during pregnancy. Urgent surgery is required, removal of all female organs, chemotherapy. The tumor is small, the chances are good, you can live for a long time, but there is no question of maintaining the pregnancy. And, of course, there will never be children again. But there’s no time for children here, we need to save Irishkin’s life.

Words cannot express how desperate I wasfriend and her family. Mom screamed that she would “kill this bastard with her own hands” and blamed him for the fact that Ira did not go to the doctor earlier and was not examined. Ira didn’t say anything, didn’t blame anyone, she just cried around the clock. Victor himself, to everyone’s surprise, did not prohibit the operation and no longer dragged his wife to psychics. Apparently, he himself was afraid that he would remain a widower - just not a man, but Bluebeard, who killed a bunch of wives and children. We must honestly admit: it seems that he loved Ira then, he was very afraid that he would lose her. He consoled her and supported her.

The operation was performedThe treatment was carried out, my friend, thank God, remained alive. She and Victor lived amicably, she herself told me that this terrible misfortune tied them tightly together. Only her husband categorically did not allow Ira to take an adopted child. She really wanted to, and began to slowly make inquiries - without doubting that Victor would approve. After all, they could not have their own children. But he unexpectedly turned out to be categorically against it, saying: since the Lord did not allow his children to live both times, this is a sign that it was not his destiny to be a father. Or maybe it was his favorite psychics who whispered it, I don’t know. In general, they did not take the baby from the orphanage, although Ira really asked and was worried.

So the two of us lived together. Irisha was often depressed, in despair, and yearned for her children. Previously, she was a small, skinny inch, but with time she has gained a lot of weight; despite her small stature, she weighs almost 85 kilograms. This is probably due to the hormonal effects.medications that you have to take constantly. Or maybe it just affectedthe habit of “eating” one’s misfortunes. By the way, Victor never scolded her forexcess weight , on the contrary, he himself brought sweets, pastries, and cakes all the time.

All my friends said that they were an ideal couple. They were happy for Ira - they say, there are no children, but what a wonderful, loving husband. And last week, the “ideal husband” suddenly announced that he was leaving her and filing fordivorce . It turned out that he had longhaving an affair with a 25 year old girl from work and she is now pregnant. Victor, at 46 years old, is literally stunned by his future fatherhood, intends to immediately marry his mistress, and is simply glowing all over.

Ira was stunned by his statement. She cried, asked not to leave her, and said bad words about this girl. Victor began shouting that he was “in this house like in prison,” that he had been suffering all his life, had lost two children, and now, they say, Ira wants to deprive him of the joy of finally becoming a father. He called her a “fat, infertile cow,” and said that her appearance disgusted him. And that they will be divorced immediately, since there are no children. I collected my things and left. To a young, beautiful, slim, healthy and pregnant woman. Left for a new happy life.

Ira is hysterical, in shock. I don’t know how to console her, what words to find. How to distract, how to support. I try to spend more time with her, because I’m her only close friend. Mom also feels sorry for her, but she keeps saying: “I warned you that he was a scoundrel, and that’s how it turned out.” It is important for her to confirm that she is right, but this only hurts Irishka more. She curses her husband, hates him - and then five minutes later she calls him to persuade him to return. He doesn't pick up the phone anymore.

She doesn’t go to church, there is no consolation for her there. She is only 35 years old, but she does not know how to live further, there is no meaning in life, there is no support.

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