An unusual love story with a very large age difference

An unusual love story with a very large age difference
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 23 years old, my husband is 54 (yes, that's not a typo).

We met at work, he was the head of the department where I was an intern. We had to communicate quite often about work outside the office, but always with colleagues, never alone. There were no hints, not even the slightest flirtation - after all, he is the same age as my parents.

In the process of communication, I learned that he grew up in a poor family, and for this reason he decided that he would not start a family until he had the opportunity to provide himself and his family with a goodlife . As the years passed, he worked hard, and the desire to start a family became less and less, and then he decided to live for his own pleasure.

I don’t want to write for a long time, I’ll just say that without expecting it, we fell in love. Yes, it may be nonsense. Both he and I realized the huge age difference, and even stopped communicating, but this did not help. We started dating. Knowing himattitude towards family life, I treated it as a simple relationship. I didn’t have intimacy with anyone, I wanted only for love, but it didn’t exist, because I was only 20 years old. He only hinted at it once, but having accepted my refusal, there was no more talk about it.

Strangerelationship you say? But I was happy. WeWe went on dates every day , could drive around the city at night all night, talk on the phone for hours. And when I felt that I was starting to truly fall in love with him, I decided to end everything so that it wouldn’t hurt later, but I couldn’t decide. He, in turn, came to me one day and proposed to me. He said that I came into his life and for the first time in 52 years he had a desire to start a family, enter into a serious relationship, and take responsibility not only for himself. I was at a loss, I wanted to cry with joy, but my tears came from the realization of what was happening. “What will people say? What will the parents say? These thoughts haunted me. I took time to think, it took a week.

One morning I woke up and decided, that this is my life and I will live it the way I want, no matter what others say. We got married. To say that EVERYONE around was in shock is an understatement, but we didn’t care.

Six months later, we decided to leave work and open our own business, with our joint efforts we succeeded, and a couple of months later I became pregnant. He cried with happiness, literally, carried her in his arms, and gave gifts. HisMom told me: “Thank you for making my son happy, I gave up a long time ago, but now I can die with peace of mind.” These words made me cry. Our son was born, myMy husband devoted all his free time to us.

To be honest, the age difference is visible only in numbers. In all other respects, I see only my loved one. In no way am I encouraging anyone to follow me, I just got to the point where I can proudly declare that I am absolutely happy, without being ashamed of anything. I want to wish everyone great happiness, we did not give up and fought for ourlove , because after every rain there comes a rainbow.

PS There will definitely be negative comments, but they will not ruin my mood in any way. You have already developed immunity to this. We haven't heard anything like that in our time.

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