The story of my first unhappy love

The story of my first unhappy love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My story is from 16 years ago. When I was in 11th grade, I studied and thought about how I would graduate from school and go to live in Russia and get a higher education. And then one day my friends and classmates came to pick me up to go for a walk, with two guys, as it turned out later, a tall, handsome blond - thismy classmate's brother . That evening we did not open our eyes to each other, which ultimately led to the fact that I began to think about Slavik constantly, he showed sympathy for me, we talked a lot, and kissed on one of these walks.

It was unforgettable, his hugs, words about love, just like in a fairy tale, but when he asked me to date, I was just scared, I thought, why do I need affection now, when I was going to go to another country, live there and study. And you know, I refused him, and oh God, how he suffered, and I suffered, but I was afraid to take a step and say that I was in a hurry. And Slavik, to spite me, began dating my classmate, and I, I looked at them and quietly suffered. Throughout my school year we walked in the same company, and Slava was always by my side, there were many more moments when we hugged and kissed, but again I ruined everything, being afraid to confess my love to him.

The school year has passed, exams, graduation, and I’m leaving for Russia. I left, enrolled, and six months later came to my hometown to my parents, where my Slavik lived.

I came to his sister and went to the club in the evening, and later my Slavik joined us. He stared at me all evening, and I looked at him, later we danced a slow dance and more than once, hugged and kissed. He got drunk for courage and began to shout to me when I was dancing with the girls: “Marina, I love you, can you hear!” What happened to me at that moment is beyond words! My Slavik still loves me, God, how I wanted to tell him that I love you too, but I was next to him all the timesister and girls, they were the ones who prevented from telling me all this.

For 7 years I went to my city and saw my Slavik and he was alone all these years, and as the girls told me, he still loves you.

16 years have passed, he is married, has two sons, still young. Imarried and havedaughter , also small. By the way, he and I started families almost simultaneously. Left due to pregnancymarried, what am I, whatmy Slavik's wife . Perhaps God ordered it this way.

I still remember him and feel sorry for him, and sometimes cry that then, 16 years ago, I acted so stupidly. After all, I still love him and want to be with him. ButLife is like that, it’s arranged everything completely differently.

I want to come there to my city in the summer and see Slavik and talk to him, explain everything to him, but I don’t think this will change anything. And I so want to be with him and love him... I don’t know what to do.

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