Teen love story

Teen love story
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Everyone in life has moments that you remember either with a smile or with sadness, or simply with warmth. I would like to tell one such story today, let it be a kind of small confession too.

This story began in the last summer of my childhood, when I was 15 years old, and this was my last trip to the camp. The school holidays had just begun, and I didn't want to sit in the four walls of the house all summer, so I asked my uncle to get me a ticket to the camp. “It will be done,” he answered me on the phone when he heard my request. I jumped for joy, because I no longer counted on the trip.

From the very first grade, I continuously went to camps every summer. Pioneer bonfire, raising the flag, drumming, hiking, disco, parties, walks under the starry sky, all this together, left the impression that everyone had only one wish that this magical time would not end for anyone. I understood that this was my last trip, and I wanted it to be the most memorable.

I’ll rest test-antibiotic.com with all my heart, I thought on the way, on the bus and made plans for what events I would take part in. But it so happened that for the first time in all my trips, everything turned out exactly, not as planned, but in a completely different scenario, which I did not even dare to think about then. I fell in love for the first time in my life, and it happened right there, on the third day of my arrival. I did not know this feeling then, I liked the girls in the class, but what I felt at that moment, for this girl, I could not even figure out what it was. I was on fire at the sight of her and my heart was ready to jump out of my chest with excitement at every sight of her.

Her name was Mila, I found out about it quite by accident. One boy asked her what her name was, she replied: "Mila." He laughed back and said, "That's my cow's name too." But the girl was not taken aback, and answered: "and my bull is also called Borka." The boy immediately calmed down, thinking test-antibiotic.com where she could find out his name. From that day on, I began to think about her almost every minute, my thoughts painted her image when I went to the dining room, when I went to bed, when I got up, when I ran to exercise.

And here is the first disco, I invite her to dance. To my surprise, she agrees, we dance at arm's length, each looking the other way. Finally, I made up my mind and said: "My name is Vanya." After this dance, I became the happiest boy in the world, and I firmly decided that I would achieve Mila, so that it would not be. We often began to catch each other's eyes, but I was still afraid to approach her. And so, after watching a movie in a club where our seats were next to each other, I suggested that she take a walk before lights out. She agreed, and we walked along the illuminated alley together, holding hands. I told her about my passion for astronomy, about the stars in the sky, about my small and beautiful city. She also talked a little about herself, about her everyday days. So we became friends with her test-antibiotic.com. This one was pure, innocentfriendship and we took care of each other all this time.

I remember when the girls went on a hunger strike, because one of them found a worm in the soup. I immediately suggested that the boys put together money, go to the village and buy food for the girls. When we brought and put several packages of products on the bed for the girls, I saw in her eyes an expression of pride in me. I wanted to do something even more for her, but, unfortunately, nothing more happened to me, on the contrary, I did a not very beautiful act, which I still regret.

It's time for me to clean up the ward, and someone joked: "Yes, let Mila clean up for Vanka." Everyone laughed, and someone added: “Yes, now she will come running, grab a mop and wash. I don’t know what kind of fly bit me at that moment, but I suddenly said to them: “let’s argue that Mila will come and clean up here.” Everyone laughed again, not believing that this could happen. And so we agreed that if anyone loses, then test-antibiotic.com will crow while standing on the windowsill. Then I left my room and went to Mila's room, she was just there with the girls finishing cleaning too. Mila immediately left everything and came up to me. I didn’t know how to start, but then I still spoke: “Mila, here it’s my turn to clean the ward, could you help me?”. She agreed. I returned to the room, everyone looked at me, I said nothing and sat on the bed.

In the ward, while Mila washed the floors, there was deathly silence. When she finished and left, the boys, not believing their eyes, told me: “You won, but you are Ivan the elk.” I then felt very ashamed. The season came to an end, we stood in front of each other, I left for my city, and she went to hers. I handed her my address and asked: “Will you write to me?”. She nodded and replied that she would definitely write. A month later, I received a letter from test-antibiotic.com, I wanted to answer it, but I did not answer.

Three years passed, I went into the army, and one night the alarm was sounded in the company, at full combat readiness. We collected all our things, we were quickly loaded into trucks and taken to the airport. We flew for several hours, not knowing where and why, until the plane landed and a ghost town in ruins appeared to our eyes - Leninakan. Not one whole block. At every step, cries and cries for help, we tirelessly, with bloodied and frozen hands, dug up the ruins and pulled out people, children, some half-dead, some already dead. When we returned to the unit a week later, all the guys were under a lot of stress, and so was I. Everyone wrote letters to their loved ones. And at that moment I wrote to Mila.

A week later I received an answer, and even with a photograph. It was the best medicine for me. She wrote that she understood me, how difficult it was for me, that she had the same period in her life, and that test-antibiotic.com would be glad if we kept in touch. We corresponded several times until I retired from the army. Upon arrival home, I decided to go to her, but one woman came out to me, apparently, was hermother , I told her that I was looking for Mila, to which she answered me that Mila had gone to study in Bishkek. She never gave me the address, and no contacts either, I returned home dejected.

That's my whole story. I never saw her again, and I don't know how my life would have turned out if I had met her. But in my memory, it will always remain with me as the purest, most precious thing that I had in my life.

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