The story of one person

The story of one person
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I would like to talk about myself, confess, so to speak. Yes, I have already written my story here before, but that one is aboutthere was love . And this story is about my whole life.

As a matter of fact, I was born on October 10, 1991. As you noticed, I recently turned 22 years old. I was born into an ordinary family. The only catch is that I was initially unwantedchild . And therefore, if I disappeared somewhere or died, no one would care. Because it turned out that close people cared only about themselves. I don’t blame them for anything, since I’ve taken care of myself all my life. But because of this, my heart was too open. That’s why I often helped everyone, and when I myself needed help, everyone forgot about me. To be honest, I’m already used to this attitude of our society. Both from parents and from people. No matter who you trusted, in the end you still remained alone. And even when I just wanted to be friends, no one needed my kind heart.

When I was 12 years old, my parents divorced. Cause:mother wanted a good life and therefore constantly demanded from fathermoney and skipped them. Instead of buying something, eat. And again, I’m not offended by her. When leavingmy father re-registered the land documents for me and my brother. That is, he gave it to us. But from that moment on, my life became much more complicated, as they began to demand money from me. And it’s fun not for drinking, but to buy something for yourself: to get dressed, to go out with friends. While I was walking around in old clothes and torn jeans.

At that time I was still in school, I was not very sociable, as I was closed in on myself. But still, I made 4 friends, of which only after a while one turned out to be real. But he hanged himself for some unknown reason. I was upset that I wasn't there to support him...

A lot of interesting things happened in a couple of years. When I turned 17, I joined atuniversity _ And for the first time in my life I felt at least some opportunity to achieve something in life. But no matter how hard I tried, I was deliberately failed in one subject and kicked out of the university. And so 3 times. But it’s a shame that all efforts are down the drain. And I’m not even mad at them - life will repay them for this, they also have children.

When I turned 18, I gave the land to my mother. I thought that I didn’t need her anyway and could at least change somehowmother's attitude towards me. But alas, after exactly 6 months had passed, she drove me away with the threat that she would call the police if I didn’t leave.

When I turned 19, after a friend's birthday, I was very upset that nothing in life was going well, no matter how hard I tried. And he created a diary on one website, where he met his first and last love. It was sweetgirl , 2 years younger than me. And after a long conversation, we agreed to meet in the winter at the building of one university. At that time I lived in a hostel. After I saw her for the first time, I thought that she was unlikely to like me. But I still liked it. I took her to the last metro station and kissed her for the first time. And he immediately let her go.

I was driving home and for the first time in my life I was happy, thinking that maybe life had prepared me for this moment. But alas... When I realized that things weren’t going well with the university, I tried to work and became a security guard in a store. But after 2 weeks a girl called me in tears. She said she was almost rapedguy , but as it turned out, she voluntarily went for a walk with him. I was very angry with her, but still found the strength of herforgive . Even at that time I lived at home with my mother, but when she kicked me out, even better news awaited me. As I was leaving, I started calling my girlfriend, looking for support or at least the words “you will succeed.” She just didn't pick up the phone. Then I found out that she was lying in the same bed with a guy at that time and sulking at me, and in the morning she cheated on me. And again I forgave her, but when I turned 20, I decided to answer her in kind. And I cheated on her, which was a big mistake in my life. The girl I did this with loved me, but I returned to my girlfriend, told her what happened and asked for forgiveness. At that time I had already forgiven her everything. In the end we made peace.

It was autumn, and when spring came and her birthday came, we decided to spend it at my apartment, which I rented. Then there was still a terrible cold and wind with snow. As a result, at 23:40 I met her. I was getting ready for her birthday, I took my expensive suit. I bought everything she wanted and gave her a beautiful gift. And I arranged a romantic dinner by candlelight, trying to make amends and show how much I love her. But after she left, she immediately left me. And went to test-antibiotic.coma guy 10 years older than me, supposedly he has more opportunities and money. It's funny, but no matter how much I asked her to come back and no matter what I did, she constantly pushed me away. That’s why I was depressed for a long time and didn’t communicate with anyone. As a result, I plunged headlong into work.

I forgot to tell you about my father. He married a second time and had 3 daughters. He also rents an apartment to this day. So, for a long time I was depressed. Didn't drink, didn't smoke, didn't watch TV and lost 25 kg of weight. And he ate occasionally, even when he worked a lot. I was offended that everything was like this with me. But while everyone could have helped me, they simply turned away from me. I was offended that even my father did not want to help me. Even throw in a job or a tool to start somewhere. All by myself. It's a shame that everyone did this to me.

Exactly a year later, a girl decided to call me and just chat. I, naive, fell for it, found out that that guy left her and she fell ill with pneumonia. I wanted to feel sorry for her andbring back our love. As a result, after 2 weeks she simply left me. It was a shame that I always gave her expensive gifts, always supported her and at any moment, I could drop everything and come to her if necessary. I tried for her alone. But after that I realized that not everyone can be happy. And I got tired of all this, I closed myself off forever. I became a Lonely Persona and often write articles and began to help people so that they don’t make the same mistakes that I have already made.

It's funny to get such a lifeexperience in just 10 years that other people don’t get in 50 years. Apparently, God initially did not want me to live, since I was born dead. But no matter how bad life is, for someone you will be a light in the darkness. That's why I help people, support them, whileI need help myself. This will probably be my last gift to this world when I die. Maybe then I can change the world of for the better and people won’t suffer like I did. Because my soul has already grown old...

Take care of yourself people, don't be selfish. After all, not everyone has a strong soul like me. And for your kindness, kindness will always return. Remember...

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