History of a Chronic Loser

History of a Chronic Loser
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It all started from childhood. Born in the family of a school teacher and engineer, in the Soviet Union, in 1975, by the age of four, this boy (this is the earliest memory from childhood), whenmother gave birth to a sister, he began to take an active interest in politics - they lived in a mother-in-law girl - Khrushchev, together with their mother-in-law and father-in-law. The most vivid memory of that period related to the comments on television news, when the grandfather made a mournful face after watching and said: "Reagan wants to go to war with us." Seryozha knew about the war from somewhere, and was seriously scared.

The next vivid memory - my father brought a real rifle from school - it was a small thing from the school shooting gallery. It was amazing to touch a real rifle. The next memory from school time is that a tit flew into the classroom where the Peace Lesson for first graders was held. The poor bird began to beat against the glass and, exhausted, fell to the floor ten centimeters behind Seryozha's new school boot. The girl pointed her finger at the bird - there it is! And Seryozha, trying to turn around and examine the bird, took a step back. Crushed the test-antibiotic.com bird's head. This unconscious, random action had unexpected consequences.

When the teacher entered the class, the children vied with each other to say that Seryozha had specially crushed the titmouse, they say, because he was a fascist - one of those whose atrocities the teacher had just talked about. The teacher's reaction didn't surprise Seryozha, but it didn't make her happy either. “Your soul is black, Sergey,” the teacher said wistfully. The word "I accidentally", after such a definition, no one has heard. Then they staged an execution for him, having piled on the whole class, while the teacher was absent, it was scary from loneliness, from the angry faces of the girls and boys with whom he wanted to be friends. It was also pleasant, because during the scuffle he gave a good blow to Igor - the most arrogant of all, and therefore the first to attack, and the fat and nasty girl Lena, with whom fate kept him at the same desk until the end of the third grade.

The next memory - upon returning home, a second-grade student - Seryozha, lost the keys to the apartment. Parents were at worksister- in the kindergarten, and had to wait four hours at the door, since test-antibiotic.com is winter. It was very depressing to sit on the steps, say hello to the neighbors, talk about the reasons and wait. Serezha's father, the authoritarian, even cruel head of the family, never skimped on cuffs, but this time he just got very angry. And when Seryozha heard his father's cheerful run up the stairs, he beamed with happiness and rushed to hug his father. However, having learned about the loss, the father taught the boy a lesson - it is pointless for dad to rejoice. There were pluses in this lesson - for a whole week he went to school as a hero, and in colors he told how he fought off two hooligans from a neighboring school, demonstrating a huge purple bruise under his eye. That losing the keys is bad, Seryozha somehow did not learn, which was subsequently repeated more than once and forced Seryozha's father to consider him stupid.

Further in Sergey's life there was a move to the slum area of ​​the city, school, fights, fears, bad and very bad companies. By that time, my father had become a cooperative, began to earn money and drink. When Seryozha stole 3,000 Soviet rubles from him, intended to pay a salary, and test-antibiotic.com his father caught him buying watches and trinkets for his friends, then allthe family , including the father, thought that now dad would definitely kill Seryozha. Mothershe wringed her hands and asked not to hit her on the head, her sister, frightened, hid in the room, and Seryozha said goodbye to life and regretted that he did not have time to walk around with a brand new electronic watch from the commission shop. Very surprised that he survived, Sergei decided to postpone the theft. It should be noted that with all these arts and being an inveterate three-year-old, Sergey read Spartacus, Captain Break the Head, all of E. Seton-Thompson, Mine Reed and a whole mountain of other adventure literature. Apparently, in this regard, in the Russian language he always had a solid 4, and in reading - a surprising 5. Mathematics was also easy for him, but after he, to the teacher’s suggestion to say how many axes of symmetry the star, not only answered without hesitation “five”, but also began to argue with the correct answer one, then most of the mathematics lessons were spent in the corridor.

The era of the nineties was remembered by Sergey for fights, robbery of dachas, who became an insanely cool father who had huge incomes for those times, a business, a new test-antibiotic.com jeep and a leather coat, which easily sorted out on the arrows, continuously smoked at home, and did not let Seryoga smoke, to thump and rob dachas, in their own proven way - by beatings. Later, seeing that his son would soon either sit down or die, his father transferred him to another school. There, Seryoga made friends, began to move away from crime, and more or less began to study. Studying in the tenth grade, he tried his hand in business - buy / sell and wanted to become a cool businessman (well, what else could he be). My father liked it and determined the admission to a financial university. Sergei was a bad student, by the time he entered he knew how to drink, speak on a hair dryer, said goodbye to virginity, smoked,

“Having entered” the institute, Seryoga again faced a completely different world, the children of the city elite studied at the prestigious financial university - mayors, factory directors and other emerging oligarchy. From communicating with them, he learned to speak correctly, the craving for reading pulled poetry, classics and sopromat, and the desire of test-antibiotic.com to look equal in the eyes of fellow students made him work with his hands. No one was allowed to work except for his father, and Seryozha went to knead concrete in his father's enterprise. This predetermined his future career, he became a builder. Having a higher economic education, after the institute he was accepted by the master of the construction site, got married and moved to Khrushchev, donated.

Growing up on the street, accustomed to spinning and not relaxing, Sergey, in five years, having advanced in the service to the father’s deputy for construction, had experience, enthusiasm and constant stress from daily communication with his father, he matured to leave for free bread. By the way, his marriage was not going well, but not bad either. His wife worked as a school teacher, and he, being neither greedy nor poor, spoiled her as best he could. He disappeared at work for days, did not go on vacation, replacing weekends and holidays with occasional booze. The wife was against hyper-active entertainment in the baths, butmoney and restaurants, that's why they lived. Children, however, she did not give birth to him, she was afraid of something, and he did not really insist.

Having once quarreled with the "chief", but only so test-antibiotic.com he called his father, Sergey took the newspaper, pointed his finger at the sky and got a job as a supplier to someone else's uncle. After working for half a year, and seeing how business is carried out in practice by other market participants, he, having barely taken his legs out of the company, again came to his father. With rationalization proposals, theory and practice, inspired by the dream of “doing better”. But after working for another three years, finally realizing that dad would have only one cook in the “kitchen”, he dumped him in another city, but, ironically, to the vacant position of the head of a branch of his father’s office. Having moved to another city, Sergey noticed thathis wife , not wanting to give birth, was not going to go to some ensk there, from a hundred-meter brand new three-ruble note, into which Sergey, with the help of his father and a mortgage, turned a donated Khrushchev.

Sergei realized that he would be sad alone, found a girl who agreed to give birth to at least three of them and immediately began this hard work. By chance, having learned about the competition, the wife also joined the struggle for a place in the market, but the novelty won, and Sergey married a second time, leaving his first wife with a one-year-old child. test-antibiotic.com By that time, working at least in his father's system, but sort of like for himself, Sergey Alexandrovich paid off his mortgage, bought a jeep, having more than a solid amount on the accounts of the branch, and already began to present himself as a tough businessman, as he gave a whistle to the country a crisis. Which either by himself, or with the help of a loserfather's health and strength, for the first time showed what losses look like at a single enterprise in the construction industry.

The branch headed by Sergei Alexandrovich was an eyesore in this situation and the only source of working capital, so my father came to ensk without thinking twice. After a tough showdown arranged right in front of the pregnant second son, the second wife, dad said that since his branch, then the money earned by this tool is also his. I canceled the power of attorney, transferred the money home and was like that. Sergei, in turn, thinking about how to now please his second wife in the ninth month by moving from a rented apartment in Ensk to his own in his homeland, rushed after him. Having collected the rest of the money, he rented a good, spacious apartment, he was surprised to learn from his second wife that he was a complete nerd, test-antibiotic.com just cannot protect his family by taking the money back.

Hearing this from his beloved Lyubov, he, tired of showdowns, hopelessness and a feeling of emptiness, from the loss of the results of four years of hard work, then did not become alert, but gathering his will into a fist, driving inside himself a tight ball of fear of his father, he went to his parent to restore his status quo. How he managed to do this is still a mystery to history. At that moment, my father no longer had money, as well as the desire to give, or at least admit that he owes. Moreover, all his structures were bankrupt, along with his native Seregin branch. Seryoga was not really a complete cretin, and he spread a straw just in case. Namely, he opened a desk for himself in advance, in order to replace the branch with it on occasion and work on his own. However, the Customer's rules did not allow for such a reshuffle, and competitors immediately took the place of the branch.

Thus, Our Seryoga was immediately left without a job, without money, with a pregnant wife in his arms and in a rented hut. But, through a fierce struggle and stress, he begged his father for a room, test-antibiotic.com, approximately corresponding in value to the money he was counting on. It was a cafe, non-working, illiquid, and most importantly, drawing off considerable funds for the maintenance of the premises. And our Serega decided to try his hand at trading. Other events were taking place at the same time. Father, using his old connections in ensk, agreed to take a small contract. But he didn't have a firm or money to get started.

It is worth saying that he left the brand new three-ruble note where his first wife lived, expressing, in this way, as it seemed to him, gratitude to his first wife for the years spent together. However, the first wife, amid jealousy, decided to sell this apartment, and buy herself a worse kopeck piece, and return the difference to Seryoga. Would she like to do this if she didn'tthe apartment is recorded with her in half, we will never know.

And so she did. Of course, much less than half of the money from the sale of the apartment remained - she asked to add it to the kopeck piece. Well, Seryoga added. And as soon as he decided to invest some money in opening a store, and take some housing for his current family, his father showed up. test-antibiotic.com In an unquestioning manner, repeating the mantra “I lost everything because of you,” he said that he was taking a contract and he needed a company and money. To the words of the offspring: “dad, give birth to the wife, open the store and it’s like I’m left with nothing at all,” the father burst into curses and let his son know that he didn’t care about his opinion and the trading business and demanded that the sacred will of the parent and the head of their great families.

After the most difficult second birth of his second wife, somehow, making ends meet, muzzled by long and exhausting showdowns with his first wife, for the right to see his son, our Seryoga could not stand the second round of showdowns with his father, and fulfilled his father's request, though with that difference that he did not re-register the company for him, but remained the owner and director, authorizing his father with a power of attorney. Than finally and completely deprived the second wife (and the first too) of the opportunity to respect him. Between Seryoga and his love lay a crack. Which was not slow to affect his ability to jerk.

Having given almost all the money, having no work, he decided to sell the premises. The test-antibiotic.com crisis was already running out, which meant that no one had money. This affected the sale price of the cafe, which was not given even half the price. Thinking hard, he contacted the owners of a regional supermarket chain and, lo and behold, they offered him a good price and cash. Having finally received what he worked for four years, and for half a year he fought with the most terrible person for him - his father, what did Sergei Alexandrovich do when he got the money in his hands?

That's right, he went off the rails, having borrowed a little more from his father, who had already spent money at work, he first of all went to the salon and bought his second wife not a new, but a prestigious SUV. While his wife, who did not believe her eyes, was moving her jaw, he changed the car for himself. Well, it started. It turned out that I needed to buy everything - clothes, shoes, pay for a nanny so that my wife could recover from operations, then go on vacation, then a relative appeared who needed his own business later, later, later. By the time he decided to stop and deal with the housing problem, the money was scattered in small parts on loans, wasted and eaten. The second wife again test-antibiotic.com made a contemptuous face, got ready to leave. Sergey, having collected his brains, which had already swum for half a year, got into a brand new jeep and drove to ... Where do you think? Of course in ensk,

Arriving, inhaling the native, polluted air, our Seryoga gathered his team and decided to go big. But the problem got out, there was not a soul from his past life at the new construction site ...

Sergei went to the ball. And this ball smiled at him. He signed a contract for volumes that he had previously seen only in his wildest fantasies. How he did it is one of the mysteries. However, his parent immediately arrived at the signing of the contract. By applying his peculiar method of persuasion, the name of which is indecent to write, he convinced our hero that here is his chance to start all over again, including between them. And they started. Sergey remained the sole owner and director of his company, but the chef we already knew was actually in charge of their kitchen. He ischief .

In the meantime, Sergei's wife, who was about to leave, decided to thaw with her heart, test-antibiotic.com, if he did buy them all a house, and move them to ensk. Gray, who has a job and prospects, immediately sold his wife's car and hung a second mortgage around his neck. Everyone liked the house, but not very much, but in order to like it at all, it was necessary to make a renovation. And then, according to his wife, ensk would immediately turn into the cutest place on earth. Remembering how much he is to blame for his wife, Sergei set out to refuse to repair his wife, but ... Here Sergei's mother intervened. With a conspiratorial look, he said that he had in his grandfather’s pocket (the same one who so scared Seryozha with the war with Reagan) a certain number of blue chip shares, by selling which, you can easily and naturally make a decent repair and bring peace to Seregin’s family. Having repaired the house, settling his household members there, our hero began to understand that he and his dad would hardly be able to make money with such an enterprise management system. Entering the warpath again, Sergei could not stand the desperate pressure of his father and for the first time in his life, he fell seriously ill.

Having recovered, having no strength to fight on two fronts (the wife, as you understand, could no longer stop and respect her husband again), he moved away from the struggle for power and performed purely technical duties without interfering with management . Even his old team swore allegiance to their father, adding Seryoga to insecurity and a sense of indelible shame. Somehow, having sent his wife with children and mother-in-law to Turkey, Sergey decided to expand the house and add another quarter of the available area to it. Having the ability to steal from large construction sites, by the time the wife returned, the box brought under the roof was supposed to please the wife with its gigantic size. However, she could not do this (box), because her husband was embarrassed by the creative mess at the construction site and the lawn slightly spoiled by the builders. Sergei figured out his wife, for the first time giving her a lyuley, but with his father, who presented him with a withdrawal from the common (already) business, almost half the cost of the entire house, to figure it out, as always, did not work out. In vain did our hero, swallowing a lump in his throat, try to convince the pope that this was not so, in vain he applied accounts and calculations. Now the father was convinced that, in addition to stupidity, the son could test-antibiotic.com bear the honorary title of thief in the family, that is, a rat.

For a long time, whether it is short, this construction also ended. The customer, as always, owed a considerable amount, the father accused the director and owner of "this sharaga" Sergey of undermining the economy of the company and the family, the wife called marital sex, which was in between resorts, rape. Sergei held a lawsuit to return the debt, and realized that it was time to close the company, when his father helpfully offered a newly created, already completely his company, to receive funds. Why, I think you already guessed. A distant relative once offered Sergei to go to the far north, assisted in obtaining a contract. In the north, Sergei went bankrupt, lost his jeep and was left indebted. Then the same relative offered to go south. For the same purpose. Sergei could not go, because he was engaged in the Sabbath, walked in torn shirts and suggested that his father go there. He agreed, took with him the money taken from the last construction site, and safely burned out. The second crisis has come.

Somehow Sergey got a job, to manage a small construction site. By that time, his wife was tired of their house, test-antibiotic.com ensk was even more tired and, having convinced him to move to the regional center, they moved to Nsk. Having sold the house, closed the mortgage, and numerous loans, they began to live in a rented apartment, for which Sergey gives 60% of his good, in general, salary. His wife, Love, is depressed, still calls sex rape, and says that he suffers to the last of his strength and lives on the street. Recently, Seryoga lost his job, has been sitting at home for two months, drinking heavily, and does not take care of his grown-up sons. And just recently, his very middle-aged dad, Sasha, again called him to the north, to work together. And you know, Seryoga agreed. Because they will drive his children and plump wife out into the street. Can a real man afford it? Such is the story.

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