The result of a twenty-year marriage

The result of a twenty-year marriage
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Almost 10 months have passed since the beginning of my breakup with my husband, which I wrote about in my confession “I am divorcing my husband because of his infidelity.” Behind him is the birth of children, everyday life, devoted service to him and his parents.

During the pandemic in March, I found his mistress and found out her phone number. I talked to her. She is 32 years old, three children. With my helphusband got divorced, and myher husband ran to save her from her unloved husband. He moved them to another apartment, took her out across the seas, gave her a car, walked her and her children. Without being lazy, I rushed from Canada (where I studied and lived with my children) to Almaty to meet her parents. In a word, he became fully acquainted with her circle as a husband.

Then I found her Instagram. There are over a hundred photographs of their “family life” together over these three years. Where my husband sweetly kisses her under the moon, hugs her children, takes them to school on September 1st, dances with her daughters in kindergarten, plays bowling with them. In a word, sheer glamour.

At this time, I am carrying our fourth child, giving birth alone in another country. At that time, he felt the urge to urgently fly to Almaty on business (I didn’t know anything about it at the time). Then I study for a master's degree, take care of the affairs of four children, and much more. And at this time mythe beloved husband was the beloved husband of another. It was necessary to see how I was twisted from pain, jealousy, resentment, anger, misunderstanding, for what and why.

Then I began to withdraw into myself, think about my desires and what I did not have time to do for myself to be loved. I started listening and reading a lot of information about the spiritual, about our guardian angels. About why the Universe sends us such tests, why did I learn such a lesson? Talk for a long time about your journey.

Filed fordivorce , and my husband came to the meeting asking for a truce in May 2020. Do you know what condition he offered me? Save ourmarriage for the sake of children, even though he doesn’t love me. He said that he was ready to continue to remain a husband, and I could live my personal life, meet others. I, of course, did not agree. The court , unfortunately, rejected my claim for divorce.

At the end of June, my husband barely gets to us and offers me a new solution, saying: “Let's try ourfix the relationship . Only I still don't love you. If you love me even a little bit, help me get out of that relationship.” I listened and kicked him out. She said that he expected too much from me. It is easier to throw him out of the relationship than to help him in this way.

A lot was said, I threw hysterics from the bottom of my heart, kicked me out of the house, and so on. And his madam told me: “You’ll never get it.”Love . You are just a stamp and a wallet for him. And we have great love.”

At first I cried with resentment for these words. Then I realized that she was right. I'm legitwife , legalI have the mother of his childrenmoney , excellent education, intelligence, intelligence, I am a rich woman. From that moment of realizing this truth, something clicked in my head and let go inside. I let go of the situation, my husband’s, everything let go.

What do we have today? Now it’s calm, I hired a lawyer to get a divorce more competently and disperse peacefully. Before hiring a lawyer, I ask: “Do you want us to do family therapy?” To which he answers me: “I won’t go anywhere, psychologists will only suck out money.” I shrugged my shoulders and hired a lawyer for myself with this money. It turns out that everything is so simple.

Now the paperwork is being completed. I live my life, date, get acquainted. One time my husband tried to tell me that I was still a married woman and had no right to date others. I answered: “You yourself suggested this option for family life to me in May, when you came tocourt to ask for a truce. What is your problem now?

Do you know what I realized? My God, it turns out there are so many interesting people in this world. Even just to chat over a cupcoffee . And our husbands and wives imagine that they are the one and only. Out of fear of losing our loved ones, we lose ourselves, our desires and needs. We allow them to treat us badly, abuse our trust and love.

You don’t need to keep these people nearby, cling to them. You just have to cut the string. And find yourself beautiful, smart, wise, strong. Well, or beautiful, smart, wise, strong. Worthy of mutual love. I wish everyone love, happiness, kindness and peace.

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