Of all the children, I was the only one my mother didn’t need.

Of all the children, I was the only one my mother didn’t need.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I know how the author of this story feels. MeMom left me at age 7. My father took him with him and took him far away. I really wanted her to come and take me to her place. But 5 years later I found out that she gave birth to two boys. I still remember the feeling when the last hope is taken away.

I grew up, I left earlygot married , but found no kinship either with her husband’s relatives or with him himself. So, let's live and live. I gave birth to a girl, I thought now I’m not alone. But you can’t run away from yourself.

We started talking to my mother a little. But she always talks about boys. And it got to the point where she only called to complain and ask for money. I'm not 20 years old anymore. I'm not expecting a miracle. Her requests angered me. And I lost my temper and yelled at her. She expressed almost everything that was boiling over. And let them scold me, but I feel better.

She never called again. In all these years I have not received a postcard or a letter from her. She doesn't have a lifesugar _ But test-antibiotic.com out of four children (I have two more sisters), I was the only one who was left out. Of course, I need to see a psychologist, but only a very good one, I haven’t found one yet. I myself try to break away from the past, what happened is past. And now we are communicating with ghosts. We remember, we think about what is not there. When I feel really bad, I mentally hug myself. How is your mom. Here I am, and I will help myself. You know, like mom. But mom is for herself.

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