Betrayal and betrayal of your beloved girl after the oath of allegiance

Betrayal and betrayal of your beloved girl after the oath of allegiance
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Back in 2015, I broke my leg, a serious fracture, I was in a cast for six months, I came to work with a cast. And then one day at work I saw her, strong, smart, cheerful, my type.

I fell in love at first sight when I ran into her on the stairs when I was climbing on crutches. We talked for two months, then we had our first kiss. It spun and spun. In general, we became together. I won't say that I'm an angel.

Before that there wererelationship , she betrayed me in itgirl a month before the wedding. And then I realized, what luck, here it is minehappiness andlove is real. Yes, for six months we got used to each other, I was afraid of the relationship because of betrayal. And we lived, or rather met, in perfect harmony. We met our parents, spent all the holidays together, mutual friends appeared, and she introduced me to her friends. I enjoyed life.

Yes, there were quarrels, somewhere through my fault, somewhere through hers, we have explosive characters. She was often jealous of my friends with whom I share hobbies (I am an SLA pilot). There was a girl there, and for some reason my beloved, thought that I had something with her, but having gone through the path of betrayal, I never betrayed and was faithful. And after our joint vacation after the New Year 2018, it was as if she had been replaced. She began to move away from me. Even then I began to hear calls that the relationship needed to change, that it was moving to a new level.

We talked that I want to marry her and I want children, to be with her all the timelife . Everything settled down, I began to care for her and love her even more. On March 8 , we swore vows of fidelity to each other, and on March 9, she disappeared, appeared on my birthday on March 10, and she was no longer she. Intuition. I try to start a conversation with her, but she walks away from it. She said that she either had a headache or was in a bad mood. She stopped giving me rides to work, coldness appeared on her part in SMS and telephone conversations, they became as simple asColleagues . I bought a ring, I was going to propose when she left her post (she is a believer and kept the fast).

And so on April 6, Good Friday, with tears in her eyes, said that she could no longer deceive me, could not see how I was suffering and trying to save our relationship. After the New Year holidays, her old and apparently unforgotten love showed up. I was watching her at the house, it’s not clear when, I was always with her. It's been a couple of monthsthey communicated , and for a couple of weeks she saw him and cheated on me with him. She said one time.

I can’t say what I felt, I was destroyed, burned. She said that maybe she doesn't love me, and thatthe guy has feelings. All Friday I wandered around the city, got drunk, drank the ring, left it in some club as payment for drinks for 50 cocktails, whoever came up to the bar. In the end, some girl picked me up, I don’t remember her anymore, but the fact that I had nothing is for sure.

I woke up next to thisgirls at home in the hallway on the floor in clothes. They started looking for me. Her friends called, my friends, we had a conversation. She said that I was the best thing that she had in life, the brightest, sincere and kind (before that we once told each other about everything that happened in our lives, after that there was an oath in fidelity). To my question: “Are you doing this to me?”, she replied that she was a terrible person and there was no forgiveness for her. I have many connections in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other structures, given my past. I found her ex-boyfriend that same day and see that he is walking with his wife and child. I sent her photos, she asked why I was hurting her, she herself knows everything and knows the whole outcome, and knows that this will be a one-time affair. Then he will leave her again and live with his wife.

As it turned out, he is an employee of the authorities. I have access to his superiors, I can fire him, imprison him and destroy him through my friends to smithereens. He didn’t cut from the shoulder. On Easter she called me to congratulate me on the holiday and askedforgive her if I can. I hung up.

Tell me what to do? Should I destroy that person and should I forgive her?

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