Cheating on your wife is not a reason for divorce

Cheating on your wife is not a reason for divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Almost 3 months have passed since the day I wrote about my wife’s infidelity. What can I tell you? We're alive! And it’s not bad, we live! Better than we lived before. My wife tries in every way to support me, whatever one may say,Depression is still a nasty thing. It's okay, I'll get tired of it. Honestly, she's acting like nothing happened, and maybe she's right. Why would she crawl up to me and look guiltily into my eyes, reminding me of the past every time. Home, work, children - everything is yours. She plays the role of the hostess 100% plus.

As for me, it’s like I’m building ours with her from a new . I delve more into it, trying not to miss a single detail, but without nitpicking. Sometimes thoughts enter my head: “where is she, how and with whom,” but then I think that she’s at work, and everything calms down. We communicate with her often during the day and call each other. I went through all our 10 years together minute by minute, and found a bunch of my shortcomings, now I won’t allow them anymore. Took forMy rule is to give her flowers often, which I do 3-4 times a month. Who can laugh, but it’s nice for me, it’s nice for her to do it! She is a woman - my favorite woman! Mother of my, our children. So everything is getting better in family life.

One thing is a little annoying. Sexually. I began to be somehow afraid of her, or something. I became indecisive. And she probably feels it. Let's go to bed in the evening and watch TV in silence. I expect activity from her, and she from me. Sometimes we fall asleep, sulking at each other. These are probably small things, but it’s stressful. And when someone starts first, we are both happy. No problem, we’ll get everything right in this regard too! True, it’s not very comfortable in terms of sex; her parents are nearby, behind the wall, and the little one is in the room with us.

Sometimes pictures of that day pop up in my head. But they leave just as quickly, because we love each other, and we have someone to live with, for children. And from the series of humor -, if I didn’t see anything myself, it means it didn’t happen. And I believe her, she loves me and won’t do that again. It was a mistake. Yes, it hurts a lot, but everyone is alive and well. And most importantly, we are together, we did not run away. So, if you love, you will forgive everything and you can do everything. The main thing is to pull together in one direction, and everything will be OK! Good luck to you all and my advice is don’t rush to tear everything up, try to restore it.

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