I cheated on my husband because I want to be happy

I cheated on my husband because I want to be happy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been living in a civil marriage for seven years. We have two kids. Firstthe child is mineson from his first marriage, and our second together.

We had perfectrelationship , but at some point he began to find fault with me over all sorts of trifles. Either the soup was cold, or the towel was not in the right place, and over any trifle a scandal would arise. But I can’t even say anything to him, becausethe apartment is his.

After returning from maternity leave to work, I met a man, he was also married and had children, but I was interested in communicating with him, with him I mentally rested after domestic troubles. A little time passed, and I began to notice that he was interested in me, but not as an interlocutor, but as a woman. He has already become interesting to me too,man .

One day he gave me a ride home from work and kissed me, and a week later, intimacy occurred between us. https://test-antibiotic.com/ispoved-2013/kak-ya-neudachno-izmenila-muzhu/, but I didn’t even think about it, I just enjoyed it and test-antibiotic.com enjoyed every minute I spent with lover. With him I felt like a woman. Of course, I understand that I am acting badly towards my common-law husband, but it is his own fault that he turned me into a “slave Isaura” - give it, bring it, put it away, wash it. And I think he forgot that I am a woman who wants love and affection.

I feel good with my lover, but I know that he won’t leave his family, and I don’t want to destroy my family. We meet a couple of times a month, and at these moments I feel like a beautiful and desirable woman, and not a servant. What is myIs it my fault that I also want to be happy?

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