What will such family relationships lead to?

What will such family relationships lead to?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’m 22, he’s 28. Our relationship is a year and a half old, we’ve been living together for about 4 months.

Over the past two months, some kind of hell has begun in our relationship. He had a good car, but he wanted another one and ended up losing the car too and was left with virtually no money. I supported him, but because of his mood (like, I lost everything, the car is all I had), we fought a lot.

I constantly listened to obscenities and insults, it was very easy to drive me into hysterics, especially to him. I got tired of this and left him. It was very difficult without him, and I missed him a lot, but I didn’t write, he himself constantly called, and his friends wrote to him, but I didn’t give in. And then one day he came and proposed to me. I agreed and soon I moved in with him.

At first everything was fine, but then complaints began again on both his and my part. He said that I was not raised as a girl who should be the keeper of the hearth, that I am not a housekeeper, etc., test-antibiotic.com, and I responded by saying that he does nothing, does not look after me, does not give me gifts care, and so it was every other day. In these curses, what I remember most of all were his words: “I already feel this way about you and already have this opinion about you. It won't be better."

Yes, I agree that I drink it a lot, but I don’t know how to behave anymore. Then I come home from work, go to rest, he says something - I don’t pay attention to him. Then I come home from work and pester him, I say affectionately, “Come to me, let’s watch a movie, let’s hug” - he then plays dance.

And just recently I found out thatpregnant and he hasn't worked for a whilethere was money from the sale of the car, but it ran out and now he hasn’t found a new job, and we live on my salary. I'm 9 weeks and I'm cryingevery day we don’t talk, there is no love, no affection, nothing between us. Both are offended and just hate each other.

I tell him that test-antibiotic.com while this is the situation, find a part-time job. Do something! You sit and play tanks! To which he replies that this is his only joy, and for me he has not wanted to do anything for a long time, and that he is a fool and an idiot for even contacting me, that I am a black hole that absorbs all the good, that I kill all desire. And with me there is only swearing, nerves and absolutely no mood.

Yesterday we decided that we should break up a long time ago, that this is not normal, but I know that we are both proud! We need to do something, and not show our pride. But how to fix everything? I don't know, I'm doing everything wrong. I want everything to work out.

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