How to deal with your husband's drunkenness?

How to deal with your husband's drunkenness?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been living with my husband for five years, we have a smallchild ,son 2.5 years old. What worries me is thatThe husband drinks and may lose his job. He loved to drink even when we were still dating, and he always had a bottle of beer in his hands. Then he told me that it’s not scary, he can control himself, and when we havefamily and children, he will stop drinking completely. I believed him, I had never encountered drunkenness before, dad didn’t drink, except maybe a glass of cognac on holidays, but this made him kinder and went straight to bed.

I’m trying to fight, but it’s not working out well, my husband has become aggressive, he’s angry that I consider him an alcoholic, although I never told him that, I just ask him not to drink, or at least less and notevery day . At first he lost his job, I think because of drinking, he couldn’t find one for a long time, he drank almost every day, justifying it by saying that it was hard for him mentally. Then he finally found a job, good earnings, but nothing changed,the habit of drinking has become so, especially on weekends. Already in the morning he gets up irritated and goes straight to the store for beer . Doesn't pay attention to the child, constantly quarrels with me about this, says that she should take care of small childrenmother , and he will communicate when his son grows up, but now he is not interested in him.

Lately he has been drinking to the point of insanity, he may not even be able to sleep at home, there was already a warning at work, I think they won’t tolerate it for a long time. I don’t know what we will live on. I would go to work if I can get my child into kindergarten, I’m tired of sitting at home and waiting for a drunkhusband from work. I want to communicate with normal people in a team. In the meantime, I want to go to my parents for a couple of months, think about how to live further, whether it’s worth saving the family.

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