How I was “congratulated” on my birthday

How I was “congratulated” on my birthday
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

An unpleasant situation happened to me this year. It seems like nothing terrible, but, to be honest, now I’m trying to reconsider my views on friendship and comradeshiprelationship . And the whole point is that 2 months ago I turned thirty. I don’t have my own family yet - I tried, but it didn’t work out, now I’m free. But I had three best friends since school: Sashka is a musician, works in his own recording studio, Anton isa railway engineer and Kostya, a construction foreman. Only Kostya is family-friendly. I turned 30 in February, the first of all.

To be honest, it so happened that we have been friends for a long time, but for various reasons we celebrated our birthdays together about 5 years ago: either the dates were not anniversary dates, or travel, or material onesProblems . And this time I really dreamed that we would all get together. Still, 30 years is not 15. A decent part of life is already behind us. Well, in general, I wanted this kind of reinforcement of friendship.

I warned the guys in advance back in December. I wanted to discuss with them what was the best thing to do: book a table, or trust your mother, or give up on nature, or something else. The guys listened to me, smiled, whispered and decided that I wouldn’t worry about anything, and they themselves would organize everything so that there would be a surprise for me. And they will buy a normal gift.

I was glad what we havefriendship is good. Surprise – it’s absolutely gorgeous! To be honest, you can say allI've always dreamed of having a surprise for me. We communicate with the guys, call each other, go to football games. Shurka the musician quietly whispered that he was writing a song for me for my anniversary. And Kostya reminds me all the time: expect a surprise, that everything will be like in a fairy tale.

Here it is beforeOn my birthday, he came to my work again, sat and said, as if by chance:

- Yes, and tomorrow... Oh - this is a surprise. You shouldn't know.

Well, I waited until morning, put on a suit and tie, sat at work and was expecting a surprise from hour to hour. In short, the whole day has passed, and there is complete silence. No one even sent a text message. I waited until the evening, watched TV, went to my mother. Mom , of course, was happy, although she didn’t expect it, I warned her that I would celebrate with friends. However, I had to lie to my mother thatmy holiday is simply postponed because Kostya got sick and Anton went on a business trip. Mom had a new board game that the two of us played after dinner until midnight. It was interesting, but this is not how I imagined my 30th birthday.

As a result, Sashka called a week later and said that there were problems with the equipment and it was not possible to record the song, Anton still does not answer the phone at all, and I called Kostya myself and he admitted that he is currently working at a construction site in Russia and will call back when he arrives . What a surprise.

What do I want to say? Guys, I understand that problems or unforeseen circumstances or disagreements may arise. After all, no matter what happens, just send a text message: “Congratulations. Sorry that plans suddenly changed” is not at all difficult.

And now for 2 months I’ve been thinking - it’s my birthday , but what if something more serious happened? So we don’t have any real friendship, just conversations over beer?

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