How can I mend my relationship with my only daughter?

How can I mend my relationship with my only daughter?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have very difficultrelationship with a 15 year old daughter. Outwardly, everything is so wonderful: she is an excellent student, very giftedchild . Many people say to me “thank you for your daughter”. But no one knows the true state of affairs ...

I have been raising her alone for a long time, without a husband. My goal is to give her everything she needs to be happy in life. If we consider the situation from a different angle, namely, internal relations with me, then the picture is not so joyful. My daughter does not respect me, insults me, can hit me, says that she hates me.

I am an ordinary living person, I can yell at her, sometimes I can’t help it, because it will bring it on. Periods of scandals between us give way to a pause. But as soon as I ask her about something, everything repeats.

Many will say that I am to blame for this myself and that's how I raised her. But the child grew up in love, I did not refuse her anything. Until the age of three, I did not work and only took care of my daughter: I took me to various schools, hired English teachers, took me to gymnastics, to theaters, to concerts. At the age of three she could read and was a very developed child. She has a certificate stating that she is a gifted child. There are trendy gadgets, beautiful clothes and shoes. There are achievements at school and, as I said, she is an excellent student. There is everything except love and respect for the mother, that is, for me.

Often my daughter, whom I love very much, says that she dreams of only one thing: to become an adult and leave home, away from me and even go to another city. I sincerely wish that our relations with her become more friendly and all misunderstandings end.

I’m scared and ashamed to even tell someone about it, because outwardly everything is so good. That's why I wrote thisconfession . This is my only child, whom I love and wish only the best. Why is she like this with me?

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