How can I make the right decision?

How can I make the right decision?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been together for 4 years. We had a wedding in May, thenImmediately after the wedding, the husband left for the North with a friend, with the goal of getting a job in the mines and mining gold. I was against the trip, cried, made trouble, I loved him very much then. But he left. He was gone for 4 months. During this time, he learned everything and got a job in the mines, as he told me. But he was supposed to work only next year. For the rest of the trip, he spent 3.5 months relaxing with a friend in the North, fishing and was not in touch for 2 months. I left my city for work in St. Petersburg (for a week), and to somehow unwind. In St. Petersburg I met a couple who advised me to go to Karelia. I decided to go. In Karelia, a completely incredible story happened to me, which I still don’t believe in.

I met a man in a hostel, we went on excursions together, we had a great time together. At that time I was offended byhusband , for his trip to the North, which left me alone. At firstcommunication with that man was just to distract myself, and from the first seconds I realized that he was a very good person. Then affection arose, and during my departure he confessed his love with tears in his eyes. But the most important thing in this story is that he himself is married, he hasdaughter 9 years old. He is 10 years older than me (he is 37 years old). He also ended up in Karelia for work, he is from Krasnodar. I am from Samara. After 2 weeks, he came to my city, where we had incredible romance: we rode around the city at night together, he cooked for me, went to the cinema. He came on his own initiative. In addition, we had a joint trip to the sea, where there was also incredible romance.

When my husband returned, I didn’t know how to behave at all and my feelings also cooled down. As it turned out, the trip to the North was fun, and he was not going to go there anymore, he had a good rest there and now decided that he needed to find a stable job here. At the same time, the time has come to pay for everything, rent andInternet . I pay for everything. It is impossible to perceive and love further a person with such an attitude. Whereinthe apartment does not belong to us, but to his parents, and in the event of a divorce, I will leave as I came, with nothing.

Thata man from Krasnodar offers to be together, is ready to divorce, says that after 10 years of marriage he feels nothing for his wife. I do not know what to do. It seems like there are no big problems, and my husband will get settled and work. But my husband and I have completely different views, I married him for the sake of stability. But before the trip to the North I had feelings, now I have feelings for that man, we live like strangers. That man (let’s call him a lover), while in Krasnodar, does everything for me, pays me for advertising on the Internet, I do photography, makes a website on the Internet. Even from a distance I feel that he is nearby. My parents adore my husband, if I divorce, no one will understand, but on the contrary, they will also condemn me. PossiblyMom will stop respecting me altogether. After all, six months have passed since the wedding, and I have already found someone else.

My husband and I have never had any mutual understanding at all; he is silent and always does everything his own way. With a lover, on the contrary, harmony in bed and the same interests, it turned out that we love the same films. But do I have the right to take him away from my family? And I can’t stand it anymore with my husband, and I’ll never fall in love, I just don’t know how to continue.

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