How can I make the right choice to save my family

How can I make the right choice to save my family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 25 years old and have been married for five years. Initially, my husband's relatives were against our marriage, especially hismother and grandmother. They constantly reproached me that I was from the village, that I was short and because of me their son and grandson stooped. Then they said that I leftmarry only because of the apartment they wouldn't let us into. Tenants lived there, and the mother-in-law receivedmoney .

We lost our first child 2 weeks before the wedding, and the mother-in-law, instead of sympathy, smiled. When I asked what kind of smile, she said that she wanted to cheer me up. She made me very upset by this.

On the day of our wedding, which was organized by my parents, on the way to the registry office she kept asking: “Son, are you sure of your choice, have you changed your mind”? It's like a knife to the heart, we had been living together for 2 years before the wedding, which changed my mind.

Then I got pregnant a second time, my happiness knew no bounds. It didn’t even frighten me that every two weeks I had to go for a checkup 250 km to at home, because we lived with my mother-in-law and she was not going to prescribe me. Without a residence permit in the clinic, they didn’t even want to look at me, and I wouldn’t have enough money for a private clinic.

In order not to lose my second child, I quit my job. Then we had a baby, and at first we lived with my parents. Mom helped with everything, andMy husband quit his job and lived with us. He did not help to nurse his son, in order to do something, he went fishing. I never got up to see my son at night,the child was restless and up to two years old cried at night.

Then she began to tell him to go to work, but he did not like anything. He was looking for a job where he would do nothing and get paid. I asked him to talk to my mother so that she would allow us to go live in the apartment where she settled tenants (50% of the apartment belongs to my husband).

She did not agree, we quarreled, because I wanted to live separately. I was tired of listening to the comments of my parents, they live in the village and have a lot of work, and my husband did not want to help them in anything, he ate, slept and went fishing.

And then I, when my husband ran away from me and my son to go fishing, I met a man on the Internet, he is 12 years older than me. We've been talking like this for three years now. He also hadfamily , recently divorced, not because of me, there were some reasons for that. He lives very far away, came recently, met.

I understand that I fell in love with this person, but it is a pity to destroy the family. He is waiting for me and my son, he does everything for me, regrets nothing. And now I'm confused, I don't know what to do, I really like him, but it's scary to change my usual life. I know that many will condemn me, but maybe someone will tell me what to do or give some advice. Thank you in advance.

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