How can I get my child's love back?

How can I get my child's love back?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 28 years old. Three years ago I decided to divorce my husband. I was the initiator of the divorce. I’m tired of our constant scandals, nagging, and demands. And I also met another person in my life whom I thought I loved. The subsequent story was like many others. He was married, I thought he would leave his wife and I would have a new happy life. This, naturally, did not happen; he was afraid of the consequences of his divorce and remained in his family.

The divorce from my husband took a long time, he askedcourt tothe child lived with him. I will not make excuses for the reasons why he demanded this, I did something stupid at that time, and the court decided to leave the three-yeardaughter and husband. We challenged this decision in all instances for a long time, but nothing happened.

Having listened to enough advice that the exthe husband will soon get tired of raising the child, working, find a new pastime, and return the child himself, I believed in this and accepted this decision. I began to build my new life, learned a new profession, began to work a lot, newrelationship _ I spent little time communicating with the child, and practically did not help my ex-husband in any way, putting everythingproblems in full on him. But my expectations were not met. He was completely immersed inraising a child, and a year later, he decided to move with the child to another country, informing me of the fact, promising that he would bring the child to visit several times a year, and would not interfere with my desire to come.

After they left, at first I often called and communicated with the child. And here again, I myself made a mistake. Work, my new relationship, the time difference with that country, and myCommunication with the child has become rare. Now, it seems to me, my daughter doesn’t want to communicate with me at all, and my ex-husband is now in a relationship, they live together. As I heard, my daughter calls his partner “mom” and constantly mentions her in our conversations. This really irritates me.

I don't know what to do now. I'm between two fires. In my new relationship, I am constantly asked why my daughter lives with her husband, and I cannot admit to them the actual reasons, I am ashamed, I am deceiving, and I am trying in every possible way to get out. On the other hand, men are satisfied with my situation, without a child. And when I want to communicate with a child, I have to adapt to their mood, as this affects their attention. I also don’t have the opportunity to go to my child (far away, visas,money ). They don’t let me go alone, they don’t want me to go together. They prefer to go on holiday with me anywhere, alone, with friends, than to travel to spend time with my child in his country. And I haven’t seen my daughter for two years. My ex-husband also doesn’t want to come to our country, he says it would be too expensive for me.

Still scares meThe question is that a child will probably be born in my new relationship someday. What will happen next, how should I live, what will I say to my daughter then? In short, I am very confused, and I understand that I will completely lose the child. I love my daughter very, very much, I wantI can get her back, but I don’t know how anymore.

I went to a psychologist, but even there I couldn’t find a solution. I want to ask you from what I should do, what to do, maybe there will be people here who will give good life advice, although I understand that there will be those who will judge me here and not help me.

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