The guy proposed to me, but then changed his mind.

The guy proposed to me, but then changed his mind.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I had it on December 12thcorrespondence with my boyfriend, and frank correspondence about the future. We agreed that tomorrow, 13.01, I would come at 13:00 to meet his parents. He tells them that we are getting married and starting to live together. He said that I can move in with him, right now (it was his initiative, I didn’t force it).

But I said that I would move as soon as I introduced him to my parents. I can't come home, pack my things and leave, saying that I'm going to live with a man. After chatting a little more, I told him that I would call him tomorrow at 11:00, and we said goodbye and went to bed. Morning came, waiting until 11 o'clock, I dialed his number, the beeps were coming, no answer. I called him a couple more times before 12 o'clock. Having got ready, I left in order to have time to go to the store to buy some treats for his parents.

So, at 13:00 I call him, he hangs up on me! Five minutes pass, I think that this is the last time I call, if he doesn’t pick up, I turn around and leave. I dial him – he hangs up again. I wrote him a text message: “nobody has ever treated me like this and only you, the person I love, ignored me like this.” Two minutes later I get a text message that he is showing an apartment for sale, he is busy. I wrote to him that we had agreed. Upset, I walked home, walked for about 40 minutes and got to my neighborhood, raising my head I see him driving his car, stopping and waiting for a traffic light. At that moment I dial him, the beeps are coming, but he doesn’t pick up. Naturally, I wrote to him: “of course you are acting cool, I am going to meet you halfway, and you are driving by and not picking up.” He read all this two hours later.

I'm in a bit of shock right now. Totallylies . Why would he do that? Honestly, I never expected him to blow me off. Tell me what you think it was?

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