How my wife quietly worked off her loan

How my wife quietly worked off her loan
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 25 years old. I was born and live in a small town. After school I entereduniversity , met a girl there and started datingrelationship _ Then it seemed to me that I only felt sympathy for her, but she wanted for memarried _ I slacked off, saying that once we finish our studies, I’ll start working, and we’ll see.

Then I met someone else, more beautiful, as it seemed to me, and more successful. A new relationship began. I was in love, we spent a lot of time together, and besides, we studied in the same stream. In our fifth year we got married. My exThe girl , they say, took it very hard.

At first life was very difficult. There are no jobs in my hometown, I get the feeling that everyone around me is a loser: they drink, mess around, fight. When our son was born, for the first two years we barely survived on my odd jobs and part-time farming (we lived in my house with my mother).

I had almost decided to move to Moscow, I was almost ready when one of my friends suggested getting a job in a military town nearby. Contract soldier. Salary 45 thousand,, despite the fact that the average in our city is 15-20.

According to the terms of the contract, families were given a room in a hostel, then a separate apartment, but they had to wait for their turn, which for me was supposed to come in about a year. Therefore, while I lived in the town alone,the wife stayed at home with her mother. Once a month I was allowed to go home for 3-4 days.

So about six months passed. AllI regularly sent the money home, and gave the bank card, where three-quarters of my income was credited, to my wife. She didn’t complain, and I calmly waited until I got housing in the town. My wife also seemed to have found a job in the capital of the republic and went there to join her sister.

One day a friend called me and said that he saw my wife in one of the saunas. At first I couldn’t believe it, I started calling my wife - the phone was turned off. I called my friend back and he said I can prove it. It was at night, around 12. A friend came in his car to pick me up and took me to this sauna. On the way, I said that they wanted to relax with the girls, and when they arrived, I recognized one of them as my wife. He didn’t do anything, so as not to scare them off, as he said, he left his acquaintances with them and immediately called me.

I came and made sure of everything. He beat his wife, put him in a car and took him home. He asked why she did this. She answered that she needed money, saying that she secretly took out a loan for some “win-win” business with some acquaintance, he cheated on her, ran away with the money, but she didn’t want to tell me all this. I earned money this way to pay back the loan. HerA friend who regularly does this advised me.

All this happened a week ago. I applied fordivorce , I want to keep the child - my wife has debts and leads an immoral lifestyle. But the matter should not go to court, because... now almost my ex-wife seems to have promised to leave my son to me voluntarily. He's already minethe mother has long replaced the real one. This is how it still happens, guys.

I also found my ex through social networks, she still hasn’tmarried _ I want to restore relations with her. She doesn’t seem to mind either, but is very upset with me. He says we can just communicate for now. He asked if he still loves you? She replied that it didn’t matter.

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