How can you gain 90 kg and why do it?

How can you gain 90 kg and why do it?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a story about how someone was abandoned theremy husband was overweight and couldn’t help himself. Explain to me, please, I don’t understand: how can you eat up to 90 kilograms? And, most importantly, why do this? You have to be so indifferent to yourself to do this to yourself!

Where have you been, my dear, for years, while yoursdid your body get fat? Personally, for me, every half a kilo above the norm is a tragedy, a rethinking of priorities and an urgent adjustment to my lifestyle. I, like most normal women, am too lazy to run in the morning and go to the pool, but force myself not to openrefrigerator after midnight I'm able to. Food comes last in my life, I don’t make a cult out of it and don’t kill minelife because of an extra chocolate bar.

I don’t understand, I just can’t wrap my head around it. In my opinion, to gain weight up to 90 kg, you just need to keep the refrigerator open or eat continuously for several years. For what? Aren't there other interests, hobbies, other ways to enjoy life?

It would seem, why should I care what a person does with his body? I would be glad not to pay attention to such voluminous young ladies if they existed only on women’s forums and the confession com website. But some of them are my good onesfriends who are not lazy to call and complain for a long time about their failed life. On men who, as you know, are assholes and do not appreciate their subtle rich world hiding behind their massive bodies. I nod and sympathize, but in this case I completely share the male opinion. If a woman doesn’t care about herself, why should others treat her differently?

Lovelygirls and especially my friends! Let's be beautiful, slim and not whine without a special reason. And let's stop eating everything!

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